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City of London Police Carbine Weapon System and Warranty Services



340,000 GBP


Suppliers will be required to complete, sign, date and return Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) via the portal before accessing the Tender Pack/Documents. The NDA can be found within the 'attachments' section. Please only complete the sections in red text. The City of London Police (CoLP) need to replace their entire fleet of 115 H&K G36 carbines with a carbine and sighting system better suited to the modern ARV workforce operating in the densely built-up urban environment of the City of London. The sighting system has already been procured but will be used in line with the carbines, as part of the practical assessment of this procurement, as detailed within the 'Technical Response Document''. The City of London Police (CoLP) is seeking to procure several carbine firearms suited to the modern ARV workforce operating in the densely built-up urban environment of the City of London. The duration of the contract is 10 years,. The City reserves the right to vary the term of the contract further in line with the published Terms and Conditions. The estimated contract value given is for the full duration of the contract including the maximum possible extensions. The estimated annual contract value is therefore estimated at being up to £340,000. Please note, the completion of an NDA is required prior to the Tender Pack being issued. Please download the NDA, sign and return via the messaging portal within the ITT (itt_COL_18588). Additional information: Please note that this procurement process is being undertaken using the electronic tendering system 'CapitaleSourcing' (url: Participants should register as a supplier on the portal using the aforementioned URL/link (if not already), then search for the opportunity titled using the Reference number stated below. The estimated total value of the contract is stated in the Summary Information section of this notice and is exclusive of VAT and for the initial duration, including all the potential optional requirements as described within the tender documents. The procurement is being run as a one stage process under the open procedure and therefore, if your organisation would like to participate in this tender exercise, it can by signing and returning the Non-Disclose Agreement (NDA). Then, the organisation can proceed by then completing and returning the Qualification Envelope and the Invitation To Tender documents which can be found on the City's e-procurement portal at: with the Reference number: prj_COL_22190 or itt_COL_18588. Organisations must submit their completed Qualification Envelope and Invitation to Tender documents, via the system by the return deadline in order to participate and registration is free. Qualification Envelopes and Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents cannot be uploaded after the return deadline. The contracting authority will not be held accountable for any errors made by an organisation in submitting their applicable Qualification Envelopes and Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents. The contracting authority reserves the right at any time to vary the timescales in this notice, cease the procurement process and not award the agreement or to award only part of the opportunity described in this notice. If the contracting authority takes up any of these rights then it will not be responsible for, or pay the expenses or losses, which may be incurred by any candidate or tenderer as a result. Economic operators are solely responsible for their costs and expenses incurred in connection with the preparation of their tender submissions and all stages throughout the procurement. Under no circumstances will the contracting authority be liable for costs or expense borne by the economic operators. The procurement process that will apply to the requirement is specified in the procurement documents accordingly.


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

3 months ago

Buyer information

City of London Corporation


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