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North East Combined Authority tenders and contracts

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South shields, United Kingdom

Buyer type

Local GovernmentCombined Authority

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North East Combined Authority tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 5 days ago

    Connect to Work

    price-tag-icon30,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 22/04/2025

    A key part of the new Government's mission to kick-start growth is a commitment to building an inclusive and thriving labour market where everyone has the opportunity of good work, and the chance to get on at work. This will improve living standards and e...


Top suppliers to North East Combined Authority

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
GOP NORTH EASTNo12View awards
Central Taxis GatesheadNo10View awards
PWLC Projects LLPUnknown5View awards
Jim Hughes Coaches (Lots 2 and 3)No5View awards
QBE European OperationsNo4View awards

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