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Request for Information: Nursing, residential and extra care settings



Buckinghamshire Council is engaging with the market about the re-commissioning of residential and nursing care in Buckinghamshire. The purpose of this market engagement exercise is to raise awareness of the upcoming procurement, gauge the level of interest in the provision of such services and seek the views of the market and interested organisations about the Council's proposals for the delivery of this service, its procurement plans and requirements. Buckinghamshire Council is seeking a supplier/s to provide care in to four residential care homes and three extra care settings under a block contract. Each home has additional beds available to the provider for self-funders or purchase through the spot market. The homes have a mix of residential, enhanced residential and nursing beds for 65+. The extra care settings are attached to the care homes, and each provides 12 individual extra care flats. The Care Homes are all owned by The Riverside Group Ltd. The incumbent is exiting the market in Buckinghamshire and the Council would like to secure a provider/s that are keen to work in partnership operationally and strategically in the medium to longer term. The Council is keen to engage the market to stimulate interest. Innovation and ideas which enhance the service specification to meet needs of individuals, address the anticipated future demand and provide value for money are welcome at this stage.


Publish date

7 months ago

Buyer information

Buckinghamshire Council

Helen Bold

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