Dynamic Demand Response Transport (DDRT) - Portsmouth
Portsmouth City Council - the 'Council' - is seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced operators for the delivery of a Dynamic Demand Response Transport service (DDRT) on an initial pilot basis with the facility to extend subject to performance, demand and access to funding. The Council is targeting to have awarded the contract by 28th March with mobilisation following on 31st March 2025. The council is seeking to award a contract on the basis of the longest achievable pilot period on the condition that commencement is no later than 2nd June 2025. The pilot service will then be required to operate until 31st March 2026. Depending on any future funding availability, success of the pilot and demand, at the Councils option this could be extended on a year-by-year basis by a further 6 years. In addition to extending the term of the contract the council may also extend the service into additional areas of the city and number of dedicated vehicles allocated to the service. The council will be using Bus Service Improvement Plan funding of approx. £350,000 to cover the initial pilot period. Whilst the Council can provide no guarantees that it would extend the term, geographical coverage or number of vehicles as this will be subject to review of demand and availability of funding, if all of these options were taken up spend via the contract could equate to approx. £1M per annum. This figure is based upon a position where the Council expands the service to cover another area of the city and increases the number of vehicles in operation for both areas from 2 to 3. Under the contracting model the successful operator will be paid a fixed monthly amount for delivery of the services excluding for fuel / charging costs which will be paid on a cost reimbursable basis. A cap of £300,000 for delivery of 1st year operations - from no later than 2nd June 2025 to 31st March 2026 - will apply to costs excluding fuel / charging. Any tender received which exceeds this cap may be set aside. The Council will run the procurement process in accordance with the 'Open Procedure' as set out within the Public Contracts Regulations (2015). The procurement timetable is set out below. 1. Contract notice published on Find a Tender - 4th February 2025 2. Procurement documents available on In-tend - 4th February 2025 3. Bidder Briefing (Teams Meeting) - 10th February 2025, 12:00 - 13:00 4. Deadline for requests for clarification - 25th February 2025 - 23:59 5. Tender return deadline - 6th March 2025 - 14:00 6. Award Decision Notification - 17th March 2025 7. Standstill period starts - 18th March 2025 8. Standstill period ends - 27th March 2025 - 23:59 9. Contract Award - 28th March 2025 10. Mobilisation - 31st March 2025 11. Commencement of Service - No later than 2nd June 2025 12. End of initial pilot period - 31st March 2026 The Council will administrate the procurement process using its e-sourcing system In-tend. The In-tend system can be accessed free of charge via the following web link: https://intendhost.co.uk/portsmouthcc/aspx/home The Council reserves the right at its absolute discretion to vary the timetable at any point during the procurement. Should the Council make any changes to the procurement programme notification will be issued to all Tenderers via In-tend. Lot 1: Dynamic Demand Responsive Transport (DDRT) is a new form of flexible public transport service. The service is a cross between a traditional bus service and a taxi or private hire service. The service will only operate within areas where there is currently no existing commercial service or contracted bus service. The provision of the DDRT service is to provide residents and businesses with a public transport option where they would otherwise be unserved by existing public transport provision. The initial area identified to provide the DDRT service within the Paulsgrove / Port Solent / QA Hospital / Cosham Interchange area in the north of the city. Further details in respect of the operational area and zoning can be located within the Appendix A - Operational Area document. The Council will work closely with the successful operator to promote the service to potential passengers living within the operational area. The Council will lead on ongoing promotional and marketing activities with the operator expected to play a proactive supporting role to help drive awareness and demand. This will include for regular additional publicity activities to promote the service, including representing the DDRT service(s) at community events and promotion via any of their own communication channels including social media using Council-agreed promotional materials. The service will provide a flexible demand response service 6 days a week, Monday to Saturday (excluding Sunday and Bank Holidays) between the hours of 09:00 and 19:00. Full details in Appendix E - Hours of Service and Vehicle Operating Hours. The service will not run to a route or timetable, instead, passengers use an app, website or the telephone to book their journey in real time or "on demand". Journeys can be booked up to 72 hours in advance or ASAP. The operator will be required to provide a minimum of two vehicles and drivers that will need to be available throughout the operating hours. One of the vehicles will need to be wheelchair accessible, both vehicles will need to have the capacity to carry 4 or more passengers. All drivers deployed to deliver the service will need to have clear enhanced DBS checks in place at commencement and throughout the duration of the contract. The vehicles must be branded with the Council supplied and funded branding. Operator logos may be included within this branding. The branding will include summary details on how to book a journey using the app, web portal and call centre. The operator will be required to provide a telephone line and receive all Service-related calls including telephone bookings and customer service-related queries. The call centre must deal with booking requests, complaints, compliments, feedback and assist customers on using the smartphone app. The operator shall employ a UK based Call Handler or Handlers to operate a public telephone line (managed by the operator in full. The operator will also need to have business continuity arrangements in place including for access to an additional vehicle/s and driver/s to cover unavailability of the main vehicles. At least one of the additional vehicles must be wheelchair accessible. Back up vehicles are not expected to be branded. The service will include for multiple options available to passengers to booking journeys including for via app, web portal and a call centre to ensure it is inclusive and enables those not so familiar with IT systems an alternative booking facility. The IT system, app and website required for electronic booking has already been secured by the council for use on this service. The operator will need to use the existing software and ensure it is compatible with their own systems. The cost of using the software will be funded by the Council who will also provide training. The operator will be required to supply and maintain the in-vehicles kits for both the main vehicles and the Council will reimburse them for the hardware. The hardware will remain the property of the Council and would be required to be returned at the end of the contract. Tenderers are referred to the Schedule C Specification and all supporting appendices included within the procurement documents for detailed information regarding the council's requirements.
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Portsmouth City Council
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- procurement@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
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