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Preliminary Market Consultation for the Electric Bus Charging Infrastructure Framework



The National Transport Authority (the "Authority") is proposing to commence a procurement competition for a multi-provider framework agreement (the "Framework Agreement") for the supply of high-power charging infrastructure primarily designed to support the operation of battery-electric buses ("EBCI") and associated services and works. It is intended that the proposed Framework Agreement shall deliver the majority of the charging infrastructure necessary to achieve the transition of the public urban bus fleet to zero-emission buses and will cover numerous sites throughout Ireland, including both existing depots and newbuild depots. The Authority is interested in engaging with Original Equipment ("OEMs"), suppliers and other contractors specialising in the aforementioned EBCI scope during this Early Market Engagement round. At a high level, the scope of the proposed Framework Agreement shall include the design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance and/or long-term support of EBCI, and associated customer side electrical distribution network upgrades. In terms of scale, the current indicative projection is for upwards of 2,000 high-powered DC charging installations over the term of the Framework Agreement. The envisaged term of the proposed Framework Agreement shall be eight (8) years in total, based on an initial four (4) years, plus four (4) annual extension options, that will be at the Authority's sole discretion. While the Authority intends to acquire EBCI from the successful tenderers awarded a Framework Agreement, it intends to permit other registered contracting authorities to access and award call off contracts via the Framework Agreement. The procurement and packaging strategy for the proposed Framework Agreement is at an early phase of development, and the Authority would like to engage interested parties via the Early Market Engagement Questionnaire, with the intent that further 1-2-1 bilateral discussions may follow. The Authority values participant time, commitment and input into this phased Early Market Engagement round and believes that it is critical to engage with the market to shape the scope of the proposed Framework Agreement in order to ensure sustainability to call-offs and use of the proposed Framework Agreement over the envisaged term in a market with innovation at the fore. To register your interest in participating in the Early Market Engagement round, please access the NTA EBCI Early Market Engagement Project Information Memorandum and Questionnaire, and complete the short questionnaire and declaration, contained within Appendices A and B, and return to the Authority by way of the eTenders platform. The Authority reserves the right to amend tender specifications and tender requirements prior to issue, and this Preliminary Market Consultation serves to alert the market to an early market engagement process. The National Transport Authority (the "Authority") is proposing to commence a procurement competition for a multi-provider framework agreement (the "Framework Agreement") for the supply of high-power charging infrastructure primarily designed to support the operation of battery-electric buses ("EBCI") and associated services and works. It is intended that the proposed Framework Agreement shall deliver the majority of the charging infrastructure necessary to achieve the transition of the public urban bus fleet to zero-emission buses and will cover numerous sites throughout Ireland, including both existing depots and newbuild depots. The Authority is interested in engaging with Original Equipment ("OEMs"), suppliers and other contractors specialising in the aforementioned EBCI scope during this Early Market Engagement round. At a high level, the scope of the proposed Framework Agreement shall include the design, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance and/or long-term support of EBCI, and associated customer side electrical distribution network upgrades. In terms of scale, the current indicative projection is for upwards of 2,000 high-powered DC charging installations over the term of the Framework Agreement. The envisaged term of the proposed Framework Agreement shall be eight (8) years in total, based on an initial four (4) years, plus four (4) annual extension options, that will be at the Authority's sole discretion. While the Authority intends to acquire EBCI from the successful tenderers awarded a Framework Agreement, it intends to permit other registered contracting authorities to access and award call off contracts via the Framework Agreement. The procurement and packaging strategy for the proposed Framework Agreement is at an early phase of development, and the Authority would like to engage interested parties via the Early Market Engagement Questionnaire, with the intent that further 1-2-1 bilateral discussions may follow. The Authority values participant time, commitment and input into this phased Early Market Engagement round and believes that it is critical to engage with the market to shape the scope of the proposed Framework Agreement in order to ensure sustainability to call-offs and use of the proposed Framework Agreement over the envisaged term in a market with innovation at the fore. To register your interest in participating in the Early Market Engagement round, please access the NTA EBCI Early Market Engagement Project Information Memorandum and Questionnaire, and complete the short questionnaire and declaration, contained within Appendices A and B, and return to the Authority by way of the eTenders platform. The Authority reserves the right to amend tender specifications and tender requirements prior to issue, and this Preliminary Market Consultation serves to alert the market to an early market engagement process.


Publish date

7 months ago

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