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Drinking Water Dispensers and Associated Services Framework



BWT UK Ltd, Waterlogic GB Ltd, Eden Springs UK Ltd, Alpine Vending Company Ltd, Waterlogic GB Ltd, FreshGround Coffee Service, Alpine Vending Company Ltd, BWT UK Ltd, Eden Springs UK Ltd, BWT UK Ltd, Waterlogic GB Ltd, Alpine Vending Company Ltd, Waterlogic GB Ltd, Alpine Vending Company Ltd, Eden Springs UK Ltd, BWT UK Ltd, FreshGround Coffee Service, Zip Heaters (UK) Ltd, Zip Heaters (UK) Ltd, FreshGround Coffee Service, BWT UK Ltd, Waterlogic GB Ltd, Eden Springs UK Ltd


7,500,000 GBP


CPC are looking to expand from the previous iteration of this framework agreement offering members an easy and compliant route to market for all of their Drinking Water Dispensers and Associated Service requirements. This Framework agreement will be open to the CPC Members, Education Sector, Wider Pubic Sector, Local Authorities procuring on behalf of Educational Establishments, as well as members of the following education consortia; North Western University Purchasing Consortium North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium London Universities Purchasing Consortium Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges Higher Education Purchasing Consortium Wales Lot 1: Lot 1 - Bottled Water Dispensers The supply and ongoing maintenance of bottled water dispensers including but not limited to countertop and free-standing dispensers. This lot also covers additional services associated with water dispensers such as site surveys, sanitisation checks in line with industry standards, ongoing maintenance visits, supply of bottled water, removal of used water bottles etc. Suppliers will also be able to provide advice and guidance to members to determine the best machine and location for their requirements. Lot 2: Lot 2 - Plumb in Water Dispensers the supply, installation and ongoing maintenance of plumbed in water dispensers including but not limited to countertop and free-standing dispensers. This lot also covers additional services associated with water dispensers such as site surveys, sanitisation checks in line with industry standards, ongoing maintenance visits etc. Suppliers will also be able to provide advice and guid-ance to members to determine the best machine and location for their requirements. Lot 3: Lot 3 - External Drinking Water Fountains The supply, installation and ongoing maintenance of external drinking water fountains. This lot also covers additional services associated with external drinking water fountains such as site sur-veys and ongoing maintenance visits etc. Suppliers will also be able to provide advice and guid-ance to members to determine the best machine and location for their requirements. Lot 4: Lot 4 - Hot Water Dispensers The supply, installation and ongoing maintenance of hot water dispensers including but not lim-ited to wall mounted and countertop boilers. This lot also covers additional services associated with water boilers such as site surveys, sanitisation checks in line with industry standards, ongo-ing maintenance visits etc. Suppliers will also be able to provide advice and guidance to mem-bers to determine the best machine and location for their requirements. Lot 5: Lot 5 - Integrated Tap Systems The supply, installation and ongoing maintenance of Integrated Tap Systems. This lot also covers additional services associated with Integrated Tap Systems such as site surveys, sanitisation checks in line with industry standards, ongoing maintenance visits etc. Suppliers will also be able to provide advice and guidance to members to determine the best machine and location for their requirements.


Publish date

2 years ago

Award date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC)


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