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Library Resources, Software, and Associated Services



BOOKS ASIA LTD, ProQuest, EBSCO Information Services, HAPPIER EVERY CHAPTER LTD, Browns Books, Browns Books, ProQuest, EBSCO Information Services, Overdrive Global Ltd, Kortext, Overdrive Global Ltd, EBSCO Information Services, 14400408, Prenax Ltd, DEVOPSTER IT CONSULTANTS LTD, xe pos ltd, PSP Asset Protection, EDUCATION SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS LTD, 14400408, Sirsi Limited


19,999,999.98 GBP


This proposal for Library Resources, Software, and Associated Services is a retender of the previous CPC Library Resources and Associated Services framework. There is an expanded scope for this iteration to include bespoke or off the shelf library software which is either proprietary or open source. Any resulting framework from this exercise will be available to all further education institutions, universities, sixth forms, academies, schools, museums and other similar organisations who are current and future CPC members Local Authorities may wish to use the resulting framework when procuring on behalf of Educational Establishments. The tender is also available to members of NWUPC Ltd and the wider public sector Lot 1: Lot 1: Physical Print and Alternative Format Library Books This Lot scope includes (but is not limited to) the supply of physical books for curriculum and pleasure across all ages and abilities, including textbooks, class sets, fiction and non-fiction material, graphic novels, magazines, in various languages, and including alternative formats such as large print, braille, audio visual and mixed media, available from e-catalogues or supplier websites. Additional services may include book processing, standing orders, collection curation, demand driven acquisition, and other services as required. Lot 2: lot 2: Electronic and Alternative Format Library eBooks This Lot scope includes (but is not limited to) electronic books for curriculum and pleasure across all ages and abilities, including textbooks, class sets, fiction and non-fiction material, graphic novels, magazines, in various languages, accessible on various reading platforms across various devices and including alternative formats such as audiobook, large print, audio visual and mixed media available from e-catalogues or supplier websites. Services include standing orders, collection curation, demand driven acquisition, and other services as required. Lot 3: Lot 3: Journal and Periodical Subscription Services This Lot scope includes (but is not limited to) subscription services for journals, and periodicals, including books series, yearbooks, indexes, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and compilations of scholarly articles. The journals or periodicals can be physical, electronic or in an alternative format, accessible on various reading platforms across various devices, from various publishers, in various languages, available from e-catalogues or supplier websites. Services include standing orders, consolidation, demand driven acquisition, and other services as required. Lot 4: Lot 4: Library Software This Lot scope includes (but is not limited to) the onboarding, migration, hosting, development, infrastructure management, updating, implementation, support, maintenance, offboarding, and supply of library software including library management systems, library discovery services, and reading lists, which are open source, proprietary, or off the shelf in nature. Systems may also include additional tools such as book acquisition, stock management, reporting dashboards amongst others.


Publish date

6 months ago

Award date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC)


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