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Invitation to Tender - Provision of Analysis of Consultation Responses to the Scottish Government Consultation on Mitigation of the Two-child Limit



27,500 GBP


Provision of analysis of responses to the Scottish Government Consultation on Mitigation of the Two-child Limit Lot 1: The Scottish Government (SG), on behalf of the Scottish Ministers, is seeking to commission a Contractor to undertake analysis of responses to a public consultation on the Scottish Government consultation on Mitigation of the two-child limit in Universal Credit. The overall aim of the contract is to provide robust and timely analysis and reporting on the responses to the consultation. The contract is expected to last two months, starting on the 4th April 2025 and ending on the 6th June 2025. The key deliverables for the project will be required in electronic format only and are listed below: - An inception report – which should detail the agreed full project plan and include a minute of the inception meeting as an appendix, full project plan (methodological approach, task allocation, corresponding timescales, reporting schedules, risk management, management arrangements and contingencies etc.) and received within one week of the inception meeting. - A draft report, leading to a final report, of publishable standard which includes key findings summary report of publishable standard, as described below. - Final auditable database in Excel. This should include all the responses with catalogues of the ones that wants to be excluded, the ones included, from publishing, responses have been excluded from analysis and why, etc.


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Scottish Government

Oonagh Fraser

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