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Inverclyde Council CCTV review and future requirements





Inverclyde Council requires to undertake a comprehensive assessment of its CCTV performance and to make recommendations on the most effective and efficient method of investing in CCTV for the future. The council is initially looking for a review of the council’s baseline position in terms of existing CCTV provision, to use this as the basis for the assessment and investment recommendations, with a view to a future procurement(s) for agreed CCTV requirements. The scope of the review includes all public space cameras and will include: - all physical infrastructure at camera sites across Inverclyde; - the monitoring station itself and all hardware and software associated with it; and - all transmission network connections. The ambition is to have a CCTV network that is responsive to local need while being cost efficient and effective in its delivery. The Council is aware of the need to future proof and would expect the assessment to consider the following: - A considerable improvement in the current CCTV performance; - The most suitable, flexible and cost effective CCTV technology available; - Re-deployable camera solutions; - The potential to future-proof any new CCTV infrastructure; - The benefits of purchasing or leasing any hardware required; - On- going maintenance requirements; and - The overall transmission network Further to the review, recommendations and agreement on future CCTV requirements, a procurement exercise may take place for potential goods and services such as: Hardware/Equipment, Network/Transmission Services, Recording/Storage, Support and Maintenance.


Publish date

a year ago

Buyer information

Inverclyde Council

Andrew Duncan

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