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Books, e-books and associated services



Framework agreement for the supply of books, e-books and associated resources and services. This tender is split into 9 Lots. Participating consortia cover universities and other Public Sector members including (but not limited to) schools, colleges, Multi-Academy Trusts, government departments and research institutes across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The named consortia are SUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC, LUPC, HEPCW, Academic Libraries North, NEYAL, MUAL, and WHELF. Lot 1: Print publications: standard suppliers for library stock Large-scale and library-focussed suppliers of printed publications and other hard copy materials including but not limited to maps, music scores, DVDs, CDs, Standing Orders and out-of-print materials. Suppliers will be capable of meeting operational requirements such as metadata provision, shelf-ready servicing, and interoperability with Library Management Systems. Suppliers may bid for either Lot 1 or Lot 2 but not both. Additional information: It is intended that Lot 1 will be awarded to a maximum of 5 suppliers. Lot 2: Print publications: specialist suppliers for library stock Specialist suppliers of printed publications and other hard copy materials such as maps, music scores, DVDs, CDs, Standing Orders. Suppliers will specialise according to factors such as language, region of publication, material type, subject, etc. Suppliers may bid for either Lot 1 or Lot 2 but not both. Additional information: It is intended that Lot 2 will be awarded to a maximum of 12 suppliers. Lot 3: Print publications: supply to schools, Multi-Academy Trusts, academic departments (generally non-library) Supply of printed publications and other hard copy materials, generally for non-library purposes of academic departments, schools, Multi-Academy Trusts, and other public sector organisations. Associated goods relating to reading provision may be supplied under this Lot where a dedicated framework is not required. Additional information: It is intended that Lot 3 will be awarded to a maximum of 8 suppliers. Lot 4: E-book aggregator: title-by-title perpetual access purchase Title-by-title purchasing of e-books via an aggregator platform for delivery via the aggregator’s own platform. Packages may be offered, as may DDA and EBA programmes. Suppliers will offer perpetual access licences but may also offer alternatives (eg. 365 day licences) where perpetual licensing is not available. Additional information: It is intended that Lot 4 will be awarded to a maximum of 5 suppliers. Lot 5: E-book aggregator: title-by-title perpetual access purchase for third-party platform Title-by-title purchasing of e-books via an aggregator platform for delivery via a third party or publisher platform. Packages may be offered, as may DDA and EBA programmes. Suppliers will offer perpetual access licences but may also offer alternatives (eg. 365 day licences) where perpetual licensing is not available. Additional information: It is intended that Lot 5 will be awarded to a maximum of 5 suppliers. Lot 6: E-book aggregator: subscription packages Subscription e-book packages via aggregator’s own platform. Packages may include wider digital content in addition to e-books. Package content will be pre-defined in nature and not bespoke selections of titles. Additional information: It is intended that Lot 6 will be awarded to a maximum of 5 suppliers. Lot 7: E-book aggregator: e-textbooks E-textbook access via an aggregator e-textbook platform. Title selections may be bespoke or pre-defined packages. Additional information: It is intended that Lot 7 will be awarded to a maximum of 5 suppliers. Lot 8: E-books: specialist and innovative solutions Specialised e-book solutions for delivery via Supplier’s own platform. This Lot offers a route to market for solutions that do not fit the specification of other e-book Lots (Lots 4, 5, 6, or 7). Solutions might include those that are not specifically designed for the HE market, that deliver specialist content, or that offer alternative business models that don’t fit in another Lot. Suppliers bidding for this Lot may not bid for any other e-book Lot (Lots 4, 5, 6, or 7). Additional information: It is intended that Lot 8 will be awarded to a maximum of 12 suppliers. Lot 9: Sales to individual staff/students and bursary provision Where a member wishes to set up an approved supplier for individual staff or students to purchase hard copy or digital materials. Bursary provision may also be facilitated where operated on a credit basis and the supplier meets individual member requirements. In these cases, bursaries may include a wider scope of goods that support learning. Additional information: It is intended that Lot 9 will be awarded to a maximum of 5 suppliers.


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2 months ago

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Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium

Gavin Phillips

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