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Flexible Framework Agreement for the provision of Home and Community based Short Breaks for Children and Young People with Disabilities - (re-tender)



This relates to services provided to children who have received a Child in Need assessment under section 17 of the Children Act 1989. The Local Authority has a statutory duty to offer a wide range of short breaks services for children and young people with disabilities, in turn this will enhance their lives, encourage independence and support their families. Short breaks provide opportunities for children and young people · The chance to develop new friendships · To develop their independence · To take part in new experiences and to have fun doing positive activities Short breaks aim to provide parent carers with · A break from their caring responsibilities · A chance to rest and unwind · To spend time with other members of the family Short breaks mean different things to different families and children. For some children and young people, it can mean time away from their families and carers to do fun activities during the daytime, evening and on a weekend. Short breaks can also take place at home, in a range of different provisions or in the community with their family with or without the support of a carer. Our aims for short breaks for children and young people are; · To give good quality services which offer positive experiences for children young people with disabilities and their families · To offer enjoyable experiences, to help young people with their personal, social and emotional development Keywords: Autism, Short Breaks, Activity, Holiday, Respite, Disability


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

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Stockton Borough Council

Mike Wray

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