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Gloucestershire EV Charging Infrastructure Services (GEVIS) - LEVI



161,600,000 GBP


Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) is seeking to award a concession contract to a competent organisation for the provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Point (EVCP) services across the County, including hardware equipment and installation, software, and associated operation, maintenance and management services, to support the implementation of a county-wide Electric Vehicle (EV) charging network providing equity of provision mainly to residents, while also supporting business and visitors. The contract will operate for 15 years with the option to extend by 1 year, subject to the contract's terms and conditions in relation to performance and termination events. GCC has secured £2.175M of funding under the UK Government's Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) programme for GCC's LEVI Phase 2 concession contract and is also prepared to invest £0.350M of GCC capital, a total of £2.525M. GCC's tender requirements will evaluate proposals from potential concessionaires for optimising additional investment into maximising the on-street EVCP in Gloucestershire, to meet and exceed the density requirements set out in the ITT. The EVCP funded by LEVI's Phase 2 funding will foremost be for on-street residential use. LEVI funds are supported and administered by the UK Government's Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV). The award of the concession contract and funding disbursement thereunder must satisfy OZEV funding requirements and the concession contract conditions. As well as on-street charging (on the public highway), GCC may require EVCP installation and service provision on land occupied by GCC or, further to the concession contract terms, GCC Cluster Member organisations (as described below). GCC have an existing revenue generating charging network of On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) and LEVI Phase 1 chargepoints. GCC require the successful contractor to discuss the adoption of existing assets in line with the relevant terms of the concession contract, that would be subject to mutual commercial agreement between the successful concessionaire and GCC. The successful concessionaire must provide end-to-end EVCP installation and operational services including, but not limited to, design, planning, pre-installation and civil engineering works, the provision of hardware, software, energy supply, customer payments and interfaces and all associated maintenance and operational activity. The concessionaire must be capable of delivery of all elements and have fully controlled contract management of its supply chain. GCC will be the contracting authority that enters into the concession contract with the successful concessionaire. The concession contract is expressed to allow the provision of EVCP services in relation to sites owned or occupied by GCC or Cluster members, or where GCC or a Cluster member permits the use of a site by another organisation in the exercise of one of its functions or permitted activities, or has transferred a site further to a community asset transfer or community right to bid policy or process. GCC and any Cluster members as described below in the Description of Procurement, may bring additional opportunities that fall outside of the LEVI funded arrangements during the contract period. GCC's estimated total value of the concession over its maximum possible term takes account of the following factors and opportunities : • The investment and funding provided by GCC and LEVI funding, described above • Funding expected to be contributed by the concessionaire (the level of this funding will be an element of tenders invited by GCC further to, and evaluated in accordance with, the procurement documents) • The potential adoption of existing EVCP infrastructure described above • Certain assumptions about take-up and use of EVCPs, detailed in the procurement documents • Maximal adoption of the concession contract by Gloucestershire Cluster members as described above. Lot 1: The Council will use a competitive procedure to evaluate bidders' proposals to ensure the solution procured meets the needs of Gloucestershire. The Council will carry out this competitive process in accordance with the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016. The process will have a selection and a tender stage: respondents to this notice will be invited to complete a Selection Questionnaire (SQ); bidders selected further to evaluation of SQ responses, will be issued with an Invitation to Tender and invited to submit a tender response, which will be evaluated by GCC on the basis set out in the procurement documents. An award of a concession contract will be made on the basis of the criteria stated in the procurement documents. Subject to compliance with the Concession Contracts Regulations and as set out in the procurement documents, GCC will reply to requests for clarification in respect of any aspect of the procurement. The full details of the procurement procedure are set out in the procurement documents found on the Councils e-tendering portal using project reference DN749307 to view the opportunity and register your interest. GCC Cluster members are contracting authorities delivering services or exercising functions into Gloucestershire including: • District councils (Cheltenham Borough Council, Cotswold District Council, Forest of Dean District Council, Tewkesbury Borough Council, Gloucester City Council, Stroud District Council) • parish councils • all maintained schools • any NHS body (as defined in the National Health Service Act 2006) • any police and crime commissioner, or fire and rescue authority • any provider of social care services • any registered provider of social housing or housing action trust • any organisation owned or controlled by one or more GCC Cluster members • any joint board, combination or other entity comprised of any of the above bodies or succeeding them or assuming any of their functions, and • where GCC or a Cluster member permits the use of a site by another organisation in the exercise of one of its functions or permitted activities, or has transferred a site further to a community asset transfer or community right to bid policy or process. UK Government is currently consulting on further devolution proposals which may result in the creation of a unitary or strategic authority which may include Gloucestershire County Council and how its current functions are exercised. If a new organisation is created, this concession contract would be transferred to and managed by such an authority.


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Gloucestershire County Council


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