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Effective Carbon Prices Update



49,000 GBP


In 2018, the Catapult published Current Pattern of Effective Carbon Prices, which summarised the then pattern of economic signals in the UK for reducing emissions in different sectors. The aim of that analysis was to quantify and compare the effective carbon prices that arise from existing tax, subsidy, and other policy instruments across the economy. The intention was that it formed the baseline from which to assess in more detail the different sector drivers and future options for policy reform. Carbon policy has changed significantly in the intervening years since 2018. The shift to a Net Zero target by 2050, along with wider macro-economic impacts, such as the pandemic, inflation, and war in Ukraine, have resulted in increased energy prices. This project seeks to develop a new dataset, that is up to date with current UK carbon policies, while also future proofing it for policy change over time, allowing for new policies to be added and existing policies updated. The dataset will be used as a tool for illustrating the impact of policies on the incentive to decarbonise different sectors and activities across the economy. Details of how to respond to this tender are detailed in the zip file attached to this advert.


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

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Energy Systems Catapult


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