Consumer Insights DPS Framework Contract
The Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) is one of a network of elite technology and innovation centre's set up by Innovate UK. The ESC works with companies that are focused on exploiting the opportunities created by the need to transform global energy systems; not only playing a part in accelerating technology based solutions, but also engaging with Government to address the market mechanisms and business models that will be required to enable such solutions. ESC is looking to setup a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) framework to have a robust supply chain to support the work ESC's Consumer Insights (CI) team undertakes and is seeking application from suitable suppliers who have the skills, experience and capability to provide their service to one or more of the key areas CI cover. Applicants may select 1 or more of the Lots and providing you meet the minimum criteria your application will be successful. To apply to join the Consumer Insights DPS framework please follow the instructions below: To register your companies interest and request for an application pack please send an email to: Please ensure in the subject line you mark it as: "CI DPS Application request". If you do not enter the above in the subject line your email will not be read. Please allow up to 5 working days to receive the application pack and please note there is no deadline for applications and ESC will accept new application up to the end of the contract period. Lot 1: Full-Service Qualitative Research 1) Design a suitable bespoke methodology to meet the specific need of each project 2) Apply advanced research techniques and those from other disciplines to deliver best in class methodologies, for example but not limited to: co-creation, ethnography, citizen's juries 3) Design all research materials and refine them in light of feedback from the ESC; 4) Recruit participants ranging from householders to SME business owners and Energy Managers. Summarise those recruited and report any challenges; 5) Manage the logistics of the research, including for instance: a) Hiring a suitable fieldwork venue or coordinating appropriate online research tools b) Distributing pre-work tasks c) Obtaining participants' consent d) Paying participants' incentives 6) Conduct all primary research activities (e.g. moderation in person, on the phone, or online) 7) Analyse the evidence collected 8) Report the insights and implications in an engaging and practical way (including audio/video recordings to bring findings to life) 9) Deliver all supporting documentation (e.g., recruitment screener, discussion Lot 2: Full-Service Quantitative Research 1) Design a suitable bespoke research approach that best meets the project objectives 2) Apply advanced research techniques and those from other disciplines to deliver best in class methodologies, for example but not limited to: choice experiments, segmentation, 3) Advise on the sample frame and most appropriate sampling technique. 4) Design all research materials including crafting clear, concise and engaging surveys. 5) Refine draft research materials in light of feedback from the ESC; 6) Manage all research logistics, including data protection, consent and incentives; 7) Potentially train field staff to collect technical information (e.g., the type of heating system); 8) Potentially partner with 3rd parties to broaden capability in key areas (e.g., local interviewers); 9) Conduct fieldwork, either on-line, face to face, or in home, with samples ranging from householders to SME business owners and Energy Managers. 10) Where required, deliver a nationally representative UK sample of 3,000+ consumers 11) Code free text data from 'open' questions and clean raw data if required; 12) Analyse the data to extract useful information (e.g., to segment the market; recruit individuals in specific segments; understand decisions; and evaluate concepts); 12) Report the methodology, limitations, key insights and implications in a practical and engaging way. 13) Deliver raw data, analysis (e.g., SPSS files) and key documents (e.g. sample summary, survey and any other research materials); 14) Assist the ESC with acting on the implications of the research. Lot 3: Recruitment & Fieldwork Logistics 1) Advise on the sample frame and most appropriate sampling technique; 2) Recruit participants ranging from householders to SME business owners and Energy Managers, for qualitative and quantitative research. Summarise those recruited and report any challenges; 3) Where required, deliver a quantitative, nationally representative UK sample of 3,000+ consumers 4) Field qualitative and/or quantitative research on behalf of ESC, using research materials provided by ESC (including screener, discussion guide, questionnaire and/or online survey link, stimulus materials). For qualitative research this might include: a) Hiring a suitable fieldwork venue or coordinating appropriate online research tools b) Distributing pre-work tasks c) Obtaining participants' consent d) Paying participants' incentives For quantitative research this might include: a) Manage all research logistics, including data protection, consent and incentives; b) Potentially train field staff to collect technical information (e.g. the type of heating system); c) Potentially partner with 3rd parties to broaden capability in key areas (e.g., local interviewers); d) Conduct fieldwork, either on-line, face to face, or in home, with samples ranging from householders to SME business owners and Energy Managers. 6) Deliver raw data arising from all fieldwork e.g., a) transcripts, audio- and video-recordings, and second stage content analysis of qualitative fieldwork b) raw quantitative survey data in .csv, Excel, or SPSS Lot 4: User Requirements 1) Draft a proposal setting out how you will meet the ESC's research requirements. 2) Recommend a suitable bespoke research methodology (e.g., diary studies, contextual enquiry, card sorting) to finesse and finalise in collaboration with the ESC; 3)Design all research materials and refine them in light of feedback from the ESC; 4) Recruit participants, summarising those recruited and reporting any challenges; 5) Conduct all primary research activities, including managing logistics (e.g., incentives); 6) Distil all the data to deduce detailed user requirements. 7) Document the user requirements clearly and concisely in a way developers can use 8) Communicate the key findings in an engaging and practical way 19) Deliver all supporting documentation (e.g., recruitment screener, discussion guide, research materials, notes, audio/video recordings) Lot 5: Creating Design Tools 1) Absorb existing evidence (e.g., user requirements produced by LOT 3); 2) Set out your proposal for using this evidence to produce design tools to meet the project aims; Note: If you highlight major evidence gaps, the ESC may initiate work to fill them 3) Design draft tools based on the available evidence and refine them in light of feedback from the ESC; 4) Deliver design tools (e.g., user stories, personas, customer journeys) that enable the design of outstanding product/service experiences, along with clear, concise, engaging instructions on how to use them. Lot 6: Experience Design 1) Set out your proposal for designing a product/service experience that meets the project aims. 2) Implement your design process to produce the materials set out in your proposal. 3) Have practical understanding of WCAG accessibility and Government Digital Principles (GDS) guidelines 4) Deliver sufficiently detailed documentation to enable product/service delivery. Notes: - We would expect your process to follow best practice and so include time to (a) absorb relevant background materials (e.g., user requirements and design tools produced by LOT 3 and LOT 4 (b) include users and the ESC to ensure designs are fit for purpose; and (c) collaborate with others to understand the design constraints and work well around them. - The ESC may elect to fill critical gaps revealed by your work. Lot 7: Experience Testing 1) Draft a proposal setting out the detailed method you will use to explore user needs and test product/service experiences. 2) Design all research materials and refine them in light of feedback from the ESC; 3) Recruit participants to take part in research, summarising those recruited and reporting any challenges. 4) Conduct all product/service experience testing, including managing logistics (e.g., incentives); 5) Distil all the data to deduce detailed recommendations for improving experiences. 6) Document these recommendations precisely enough to enable priority problems to be tackled. 7) Communicate the key findings clearly and concisely. Lot 8: Text Support Must have technical knowledge for the energy sector Have copywriters and proof-readers to check over: • Reports • Bids • Proposals Must be able to complete the work promptly, all depending on the length of the document and urgency of work. This will be discussed beforehand. Ideally, will have experience working with quantitative and qualitative data and writing interpretations of that data for a range of audiences from lay-person to technical expert. Ability to produce short compelling case studies based on consumer data (up to 2 pages A4) Able to write proposals and bid documents to identified hot buttons and win themes. Lot 9: Marketing and Communications Must have some experience in applying your trade to innovative services and to the energy sector. Be able to support ESC in developing materials to trial new service appeal. Must have the creative ability and skill to: • Create Flyers/Pamphlets with text and images provided by ESC. • Create your own images keeping with ESC branding. • Create digital/interactive guides and/or manuals. • Corporate illustrators available to join at events/workshops. • Storyboarding • Animations and videos Lot 10: Transcription and Content Analysis 1) Deliver transcripts of qualitative research interviews and focus groups. 2) Working to a content analysis template provided by ESC: a) review and provide feedback on the template; b) provide detailed, second stage content analysis of qualitative interviews and focus groups that: -groups responses by theme, -shows the respondent IDs related to each theme and individual response, -applies colour coding to identify responses from sub-samples of respondents, -includes relevant supporting quotes. c) provide an interim content analysis for review by ESC and enact any feedback any feedback in the final analysis document. Lot 11: Web Development Main scope of services 1) Web development 2) Web hosting 3) Build digital prototypes with front-end. 4) App development 5) Full stack developer Lot 12: Contractors will apply their expertise to work within the ESC Consumer Insight team on a short term and fixed basis to deliver individual projects as specified. These may be in the fields of market research, user research, UX/UI design and/or service design Market and user research activities will typically include some or all of the following: 1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of our business and project requirements and translate them into clear research objectives. 2. Work independently and in collaboration with our team as needed to develop research plans, and conduct end to end market and/or user research a. This might include interviews, surveys, usability testing, and other user research methods to gather insights into user behavior and preferences. 3. Analyse and interpret data (quantitative and qualitative, primary and secondary) and generate insights that move understanding beyond observed/measured data and support actionable recommendations. Deliver timely and insightful reports that use a clear narrative to summarize research findings and provide actionable recommendations. 5. Participate in team meetings and contribute to discussions around market and/or user research methodology and best practices. Suppliers providing market research services must be familiar with the Market Research Society (MRS) Code of Conduct and adhere to it at all times. UX/UI and service design activities will typically include some or all of the following: 1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of existing evidence (e.g. user requirements) 2. Define an approach and then deliver design tools (e.g. user stories, personas, customer journeys) that enable the design of outstanding product/service experiences. These should be accompanied by clear and engaging instructions on their use. 3. Propose a design approach and implement it to deliver style guides, user interface wireframes, design sprints and other experience design outputs.
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