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Combined Cleansing Services Contract - Arun District Council



164,000,000 GBP


Arun District Council (ADC) serves a population of approximately 160,000 residents under the West Sussex County Authority area with an increase of circa one thousand households per year over the course of the initial term. The authority provides kerbside residential waste (residual, recycling, and garden waste) collection services as well as street, beach and promenade cleaning and public toilet cleansing services to the popular tourist destinations of Bognor Regis, Littlehampton, Arundel and Rustington, which see approximately four million visitors a year. This project is for the provision of the following services across Arun District Council land and properties: Fortnightly residual waste from a 180-litre supplied bin. Fortnightly dry mixed recycling from a 240-litre supplied bin - household. Garden waste collection - household - the customer subscriber service aspect of the garden waste service will be moved in house to align with the other waste services. Weekly Food waste - household Bulky waste service - household Neighbourhood Recycling centres Street cleansing and litter picking Highways cleansing and litter picking Graffiti and Fly-Posting removal service Cleansing and minor repairs of toilets (public conveniences) The Contract will commence on 1st February 2026 and will be for a period of eight years with the option to extend for a further eight years. Interested parties should register their interest in the project via the In-Tend website, and complete and submit the tender return document together with any supporting information requested by 14.00 hrs on Monday 27th January 2025. How to obtain the Tender Documents The Tender documents can be accessed when logged into In-Tend by selecting 'Tenders' then 'Current' & 'View Details' on the relevant tender advert and clicking the 'Express Interest' tab. Once in the tender there are five tabs - 'Tender', 'ITT - documents', 'Correspondence', 'Clarifications' and 'History'. Select the 2nd tab (ITT - documents) where you will find useful information under 'Tender Details' continue to scroll down to the heading 'Tender Documents Received' where you will be able to view / download the documents. Please download all the documents and read very carefully. Opting In and Opting Out Please note you are required to 'Opt In' before you can access the 'My tender Return' to start populating your response. PLEASE NOTE you are required to 'Opt In' to view & complete the two Questionnaires for this project. The 'Opt Out' functionality will also be available throughout the duration of the tender process. Opting out will give you the option of declaring you no longer want to receive any further communication in relation to this tender along with the opportunity of providing comments and feedback for this decision. You can choose to 'Opt In' at any time ... Additional information: Interested parties should register their interest in the project via the In-Tend website Guidance on how to participate in a tender - download and upload documents / returns and if required, register your company (free of charge), can be found on the In-tend site under the 'Help' or 'Information for Suppliers' buttons. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No


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4 months ago

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26 days ago

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Hampshire County Council

Strategic Procurement (Main)

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