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Framework Agreement for the Supply and Maintenance of Audio Visual Solutions



2,250,000 GBP


Hampshire County Council invites applications from suitably experienced organisations who wish to be considered for selection to tender for a multi supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply and Maintenance of Audio Visual Solutions. The Framework Agreement will commence on 02/06/2025 for a period of 4 years. This is a multi supplier Framework Agreement, divided into four Lots: Lot 1 - Supply of Audio Visual Consumables - Stock Delivery Lot 2 - Supply of Audio Solutions - Direct Delivery Lot 3 - Supply of Interactive Solutions - Direct Delivery Lot 4 - Maintenance of Audio Visual Solutions Lot 1 of this Framework Agreement is for Goods to be delivered palletised to two distribution warehouses in Hampshire (County Supplies) and Hertfordshire (Herts Full Stop). Lots 2 to 4 of the Framework Agreement are for delivery of Goods and/or Services directly to customers of Hampshire County Council (County Supplies), Hertfordshire County Council (Herts Full Stop) and other members of the Central Buying Consortium. Interested parties should register their interest in the project via the In-Tend website, and then complete and submit the documents as detailed in Clause 5.3 of Section 2: Tender Procedure of the Invitation to Tender by 14:00 hours on 01/04/2025. Lot 1: Supply of Audio Visual Consumables - Stock Delivery For the establishment of a multiple supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply of Audio Visual Consumables in bulk volumes to the warehouse distribution centres of Hampshire County Council and Hertfordshire County Council using the Open Procedure. Lot 2: Supply of Audio Solutions - Direct Delivery For the establishment of a multiple supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply of Audio Solutions using the Open Procedure. To Supply Audio Solutions, including but not limited to PA Systems, Theatre Mixers, Speakers, Soundfield Systems and Hearing Loops. The Lot also covers the Training, Installation and Maintenance of these Solutions. Additional information: Supply of Audio Solutions for direct delivery to the end user as and when ordered. The Framework Agreement can be utilised by Local Authorities, NHS Bodies, Registered Charities, members of the Central Buying Consortium (CBC), a Commercial Procurement Alliance (, educational establishments, such as but not limited to: free schools and local authority-maintained schools, pre-schools, post-16 colleges, higher education institutions, independent schools, children's centres and any other types of schools. Department for Education - GOV.UK ( Lot 3: Supply of Interactive Solutions - Direct Delivery For the establishment of a multiple supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply of Interactive Audio Visual Solutions using the Open Procedure. To Supply Interactive Solutions, including but not limited to Interactive Learning Solutions (e.g. Whiteboards, Touchscreens and Early Years Tables), Digital Signage, Video Walls, Projectors, Video Conferencing Solutions, Visitor Management Systems, Room Booking Systems, Room Control Systems. The Lot also covers the Training, Installation and Maintenance of these Solutions. Additional information: Supply of Interactive Audio Visual Solutions for direct delivery to the end user as and when ordered. The Framework can be utilised by Local Authorities, NHS Bodies, Registered Charities, members of the Central Buying Consortium (CBC), a Commercial Procurement Alliance (, educational establishments, such as but not limited to: free schools and local authority-maintained schools, pre-schools, post-16 colleges, higher education institutions, independent schools, children's centres and any other types of schools. Department for Education - GOV.UK ( Lot 4: Maintenance of Audio Visual Solutions For the establishment of a multiple supplier Framework Agreement for the Maintenance of Audio Visual Solutions using the Open Procedure. To provide Maintenance Services of Audio Visual Solutions including but not limited to Auditing of Existing Equipment of all Brands, Service and Maintenance, Remote Support, On site Repair, Spare Parts, Loan Equipment, Regular Checks, Updates and Equipment Disposal. Additional information: For the Maintenance and Repair of all Audio Visual Solutions. The Framework can be utilised by Local Authorities, NHS Bodies, Registered Charities, members of the Central Buying Consortium (CBC), a Commercial Procurement Alliance (, educational establishments, such as but not limited to: free schools and local authority-maintained schools, pre-schools, post-16 colleges, higher education institutions, independent schools, children's centres and any other types of schools. Department for Education - GOV.UK (


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Hampshire County Council


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