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Internal Audit Services



6,000 GBP


Section 4 of The Practitioners' Guide 2024 (and future versions) sets out the basic requirements for conduct of an effective internal audit review of an authority's financial and governance records and controls facilitating the completion of the Internal Audit Report in an authority's Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). We would expect these as a minimum requirement of the internal audit services. In the case that the internal audit is not able to confirm compliance, there is the expectation that these instances of non-compliance will be included in an internal audit report containing practical recommendations for improvement. It will be expected that the internal audit service provider will be effective and add value. In addition to the work required to sign the relevant section of the AGAR, it is expected that the internal auditor service provider will: - 1. Prepare an annual audit plan which will be discussed with the Town Clerk and tabled at a Policy and Resources Committee meeting so that there can be additional input and oversight into the internal audit procedures that need to be carried out. 2. Have significant experience of auditing local and parish councils' sector and will be able to highlight latest best practice in the sector. 3. Have sufficient capacity to complete their work by no later than 31 May each year. OTHER INFORMATION Faversham Town Council uses RBS Omega as its primary accounting system. TENDER REQUIREMENTS The written tender response should contain the following information: - 1. Details of registration to any professional organisation. 2. Experience in auditing local and parish councils. 3. Letters of recommendation from other similar sized town councils. 4. Details of professional indemnity insurance. 5. List of items required at the time of audit. 6. Sample internal audit plan and report for the annual internal audit with timeframes. 7. The fee for undertaking the work for each of the 2025/26, 2026/27 and 2027/28 financial years for 2 audits (at 6 months and 12 months). Tenders maybe received by electronic submission entitled 'Internal Audit Services" for the attention of the Town Clerk, Faversham Town Council. The tender will be scored on a 50: 50 price versus quality scoring matrix. FURTHER INFORMATION Further information can be obtained from Louise Bareham, Town Clerk and RFO by telephone 01795 503286 or email In order to comply with the Local Government Transparency Code 2014, details of the winning contract may be published on the Council's website and minutes. The submission of a tender is deemed to be an acceptance of this requirement. CLOSING DATE The closing date for the tenders is 12 noon Friday 13th December 2024 Submission Address: The Town Hall, 12 Market Place, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7AE


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4 months ago

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3 months ago

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Faversham Town Council

Louise Bareham

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