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Smallholdings and Agricultural Estate Management Services (2024)



BNP Paribas Real Estate


167,725 GBP


A contract for the provision of Smallholding and Agricultural Estate Management Services was tendered by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015) Open Procedure. Lot 1: A contract for the provision of Smallholding and Agricultural Estate Management Services was tendered by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015) Open Procedure.<br/><br/>A summary of the requirement is given below:<br/><br/>- Day-to-day management of the smallholdings estate and the County Council's Other Rural Land<br/>- Asset Optimisation and Option Appraisals of Property - Pre-Marketing<br/>- The Disposal of Property<br/>- Granting of Farm Business Tenancies (equipped holdings)<br/>- Granting of New Leases, Sub-Leases or Licences Grant and Renewal of Farm Business Tenancies greater than 5 years<br/>- Grant & Renewal of Farm Business Tenancies, Leases and Licences less than 5 years<br/>- Rent Reviews (Smallholdings Estate)<br/>- Rent Reviews, Lease Breaks, Lease Expiries and Renewals in respect of the Leasing & Licensing of Property<br/>- Acquisition of Freehold Properties<br/>- Property Acquisitions under the Statutory Blight Notice Procedure for Agricultural Land and Buildings Only<br/>- Negotiation of Easements, Wayleaves and Other Sundry Negotiations<br/>- Provision of Market Valuations<br/>- Land Tribunal and Courts, Arbitration and Similar Dispute Resolution Case Work<br/>- Tree advice and assessments<br/><br/>The estimated annual value of the Contract is £70,000 (ex VAT). The estimated total value of the Contract is £350,000 (ex VAT) over the full term, including any extensions. However, no guarantee or commitment can be given regarding the initial and future value of any work arising from the Contract.<br/><br/>The Contract has been awarded for an initial term of 2 years from the Contract Commencement Date, 01.04.25, with an option to extend on the same Terms and Conditions at WSCC's discretion by up to an additional 3 years in any combination. The maximum duration of the Contract will therefore be 5 years.<br/><br/>The Contract is for the sole use of WSCC. Additional information: The tenders were evaluated using the price per quality point method.


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

West Sussex County Council

David Robinson

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