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Learning and Training Services DPS Extension Notice



450,000,000 GBP


This DPS allows for the provision of training services to be utilised by UK Public Sector Bodies, including the wider public sector and the third sector including but not limited to: local government, combined authorities, health, police, fire and rescue, housing associations, charities, education, devolved administrations and Central Government Departments and their arm's length bodies and their agencies. The core requirement of the learning and training services shall include but not be limited to the one or a combination of services in each of the following four (4) distinct Service Types: Standard Off the Shelf Training Bespoke training Learning Technologies Education Services Additional information: CCS set up a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for an initial period of 48 months with the extension option of 24 months. A further extension has been agreed and will be utilised and the end date of this DPS will now be 27/10/2028. The contract value of the RM6219 Learning and Training Services DPS has been uplifted by 50% (from £300m to £450m). Please note the Closing Date, Contract Start Date and Contract End dates have been manipulated to support compatibility system issues. However please refer to the contract notice for the correct dates, timelines etc.


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

in 4 years

Buyer information

Crown Commercial Service

The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

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