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Field Data Collection Services DPS





Forest Research is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under which to place contracts with suppliers to provide a wide range of field data collection services. Suppliers are invited to apply for inclusion on the DPS if they can cover any aspects of field data collection as follows: - Survey work, such as National Forest Inventory (NFI) and Trees Outside of Woodlands (TOW) - Installation of surveying/monitoring equipment for our Natural Capital Ecosystem Assessment (NCEA) work - Forest Mensuration and Production surveys (such as U18), Forest Attribute Surveys to update GIS information, collection of data from experimental sites. - Surveys such as but not limited to woodland surveys, forest production and forest attribute surveys, storm and windblown damage surveys. The DPS will enable Forest Research to hold 'mini--competitions' for services as and when required. Further detail is contained in the Find a Tender Notice reference: 2025/S 000-006783 (link to the Notice included below) Suppliers wishing to apply should go to the Find a Tender Notice and use the links in that Notice to register and access the procurement documents (Forest Research is using Delta eSourcing to run this procurement exercise). Additional information: Please use the above link to view the Notice and to access the procurement documents


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Forestry Commission


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