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Attribute survey in the East of North England Forest District



20,000 GBP


Attribute survey plots will be established and assessed following the method based on both the Forest Mensuration handbook 2006 and the Forestry Commission Survey Handbook, 3rd edition 2007. The method will include: Plot navigation, numbering and size choice: Circular plots will always be used of the same size Marking plot centres and plot trees. Data collection to include: Species Planting year Stocking Top Height Original planting spacing Open ground Map changes Data presentation will include: The field form, map and AP will be stapled together and returned. All documentation will be filled in a clear and legible way Grid references will be supplied for all plots All species will be recorded, the use of MC and MB is not permitted unless classified as a very minor component <10% All calculation will be completed and recorded accurately Remarks pertinent to each plot will be recorded All paperwork will be returned to Forest Research, Fineshade Any major map anomalies will be noted Additional information: Please express your interest in this tender in order to allow us to notify you of any questions we may receive and the answers given. Expressions of interest and/or any questions regarding this ITT should be made by email to no later than 14.00hrs on Thursday 23rd May 2024.


Publish date

11 months ago

Close date

10 months ago

Buyer information

Forestry Commission

Liz Richardson

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