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Electronic Patient Records System



Electronic Patient Record System consisting of Community Health, Mental Health, Inpatient Beds, Physical Observations, Child Health, NEMS, PDS - Spine, EPMA integration, Order Comms Integration, Results reporting module, full real time data availability/extracts, Trust accessible API integration engine<br/><br/>This is a voluntary ex ante transparency (VEAT) notice. This notice acknowledges that NELFT NHS Foundation Trust proposes to extend RIO contract with Access UK Ltd for the continued provision of support and software maintenance services. The current Electronic Patient Record solution has been developed over the past 10 years and delivers a cross-ICS solution, which is proprietary and Access UK Ltd is the only supplier capable of providing the solution and supporting the System.<br/><br/>Extending current arrangement allows plans for an NEL (North East London) multi trust procurement in 2026/27. <br/><br/>The extension of Service Level Agreements will remain unchanged and will be provided in accordance with our existing agreement (as updated by any relevant CCNs). Lot 1: Contract Extension for Electronic Patient Records System. Additional information: Year 2 of the CCN is subject to RPI and therefore a ceiling figure of £2m has been published.


Award date

11 years ago

Publish date

7 months ago

Buyer information

North East London NHS Foundation Trust

Pelham Wickes

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