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Red Cell Genotyping



1,000,000 GBP


Red Cell Genotyping Lot 1: NHS Blood & Transplant (NHSBT) and Scottish National Blood Transfusion (SNBTS) Red Cell Immunohaematology (RCI) departments are seeking to engage with suppliers of red cell genotyping methods via an early market engagement exercise. Please note this is not the start of a procurement process; a separate contract notice will be published to cover this requirement. <br/><br/>Prior to commencing the formal procurement process, NHSBT and SNBTS would like to consult the market to improve our knowledge of all current offers available in the marketplace, identify further opportunities and potential issues, as well as gauge market interest in the proposed service. This engagement will help shape NHSBT and SNBTS’s procurement strategy.<br/><br/>The RCI laboratories in NHSBT and SNBTS provide a range of reference services to hospitals, focusing on ensuring safe and effective blood transfusions by diagnosing and managing complex issues related to red blood cells. For some patients, the red cell phenotype cannot be determined due to prior transfusion, treatment with therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, or autoimmune conditions. For these patients, the selection of safe compatible blood for transfusion relies on red cell genotyping, a molecular method of determining blood groups. Blood is often required urgently with increased risk to the patient if this is not met. RCI reference services in NHSBT are provided from Barnsley, Birmingham, Colindale, Filton (Bristol), Liverpool, Newcastle, and Tooting. RCI reference services in SNBTS are provided from Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness, although red cell genotyping is only performed on the Glasgow site.<br/><br/>NHSBT and SNBTS are seeking to engage with suppliers on the market who can provide red cell genotyping. The requirement is likely to include the following:<br/>• Extended red cell genotype (blood groups). <br/>• Weak and Partial Rh D.<br/>• Either closed or open system. <br/>• Processing batches, but also capable of processing smaller numbers with minimum wastage. <br/>• Less than 24-hour TAT, including DNA extraction to results. <br/>• Quality requirements (such as CE marked)<br/><br/>As part of the early market engagement exercise, NHSBT and SNBTS would like to discuss our requirement with suppliers along with a time frame for supply.<br/><br/>It is our intention to hold the early market engagement exercise supplier meetings the week of 20th January 2025. The meetings will be held remotely. To enable us to finalise arrangements (e.g. send meeting details and agree time slots), interested organisations are required to send an expression of interest via email to by no later than 17:00 hrs (GMT) on Monday 16th of December . This should include a list of your requested attendees and a brief overview (or a website link) of the Goods / Services which might be of interest to us in relation to this requirement. Please include options, if available, for a managed service contract.<br/><br/>There is no guarantee that a formal procurement process will be launched as a result of this early market engagement exercise, nor that any contract(s) will be placed. No remuneration or compensation etc will be paid to organisations who take part in this early market engagement exercise. Suppliers should take part in this process only on the basis that they fully understand and accept this position.


Publish date

4 months ago

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NHS Blood and Transplant

Coco Otiotio

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