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Framework Agreement for the Supply of Cold Static Perfusion Fluid Solutions



10,000,000 GBP


NHSBT is the commissioner responsible for providing funding, infrastructure, clinical guidance and standards to the National Organ Retrieval Service (NORS). NORS is comprised of several organ retrieval centres in England, Wales and Scotland, who are responsible for sending a retrieval team travelling to any organ donor in the UK to retrieve organs for transplantation. The tender is being carried out by the Authority to establish a Framework against which the NORS Centres will call-off their requirements directly with the Suppliers. Interested Suppliers are asked to express their interest to by 12:00 noon within 30 days of publication of this Prior Information Notice. Responses after this date won't be excluded from taking part in the tender, this date is to allow for supplier engagement to be organised. Lot 3: Cold Static Fluid for Lung Perfusion (Perfadex type solution or equivalent) Cold Static Fluid for Lung Perfusion (Perfadex type solution or equivalent) Additional information: Cold Static Fluid for Lung Perfusion (Perfadex type solution or equivalent) Lot 2: Cold Static Perfusion Fluid Solution Histidine Tryptophan Ketoglutarate (HTK) Cold Static Perfusion Fluid Solution Histidine Tryptophan Ketoglutarate (HTK). Lot 1: Cold Static Perfusion Fluid UW Type Solution UW Perfusion Solution 1000 ml bags


Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Blood and Transplant

Samantha Rix

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