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Health services



Oxford Health Foundation Trust


58,800,000 EUR


This advert confirms that on 4.4.2016, Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG) issued an invitation to Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust) to participate in a ‘Most Capable Provider’ assessment for the provision of a single Oxfordshire CAMHS. OCCG intends to continue this process and will be assessing the Trust against planned criteria and a scoring methodology. This will be a pass or fail process. We are anticipating that the new contract will commence in April 2017, subject to the outcome of this process. Furthermore, the Trust is currently delivering an integrated service with the Local Authority's Children's Services and this will be extended substantially in the new specification. OCCG believes the incumbent provider is best placed to continue to develop the integration with the local authority's Children's Services and deliver a transformed service based on current evidence of integrated working and quality of performance. The new CAMHS model will be a departure from the traditional tiered service and will have one single point of access (SPA) for all the CAMH Services including early mental health support. The new model is based on the Thrive model as described in Future in Mind. CAMHS will no longer be commissioned to provide Primary Mental Health (tier 2) and CAMHS (tier3) as separate services, but will form one integrated service which will deliver early mental health support and more specialist intervention, which will be described as “Coping”, “Getting Support”, Getting More Support” and “Getting Crisis Support”. The contract will be for five years with one optional two year extension, and will have an estimated annual value of GBP 8.4m.


Publish date

9 years ago

Award date

9 years ago

Buyer information

NHS Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group

Mark Stanbrook

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