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Community Endoscopy Services to residents with an Oxfordshire GP, formerly commissioned via OCCG



InHealth Ltd


20,168,366 GBP


Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (the Commissioner) sought to commission a Community Endoscopy service for patients registered with a GP in Oxfordshire. The successful provider will deliver a safe and clinically effective service that will provide rapid local access to diagnostic endoscopy for patients that will include gastroscopy, colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy. The community based service will offer a range of elective, suspected cancer and routine community based endoscopies from across the county within geographically suitable locations to meet demand and improve travel times. The service offering will include assessment, diagnostic tests, and advice to primary care clinicians on the management of common GI conditions. The direct access primary care service for endoscopic diagnostic procedures will include gastroscopy, colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy. The aim is to provide access to endoscopic diagnostics in the community. The Provider will work closely through regular contact and feedback with primary care, secondary care and the commissioner to support the management of patients within the primary/community care setting. The initial contract term will be for 3 years from 1st February 2022, with an optional extension of any period(s) up to a maximum of a further 2 years, as defined and at the discretion of the commissioners. This procurement has been carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner(s). Lot 1: Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB (the Commissioner) ICB) has a contract with InHealth Endoscopy Limited to provide a Community Endoscopy service for patients registered with a GP in Oxfordshire in order to deliver a safe and clinically effective service that would provide rapid local access to diagnostic endoscopy for patients that will include gastroscopy, colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy. The initial contract period of 3 years ends on 31st March 2025, with an optional extension of any period up to 2 years.


Award date

3 years ago

Publish date

12 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group

Donna Harrington

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