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Passenger Transport Services DPS



99,531,097 GBP


South Lanarkshire Council’s current framework for Additional Support Needs (ASN) Transport provision is coming to an end in August 2025. To ensure attendance of pupils at South Lanarkshire Council schools and establishments, and also other general taxi requirements, the Council will be implementing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to replace the existing contractual agreement. It is anticipated that the DPS will commence from Spring 2025 and is expected to last between 5 and 10 years. Lot 1: The Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the DPS is expected to be published in December 2025. Prior to the publication of the ITT, the Council will be holding market engagement events in November 2024 to provide potential bidders with information on the DPS process and the Council’s requirements. After the ITT has been published, a further Market Engagement event will be held by the Supplier Development Programme (SDP) to provide more information on tendering process. Attendance at the Market Engagement events is voluntary. However, potential bidders are encouraged to attend to improve their understanding of the procurement process and to ask questions. Details of the market engagement events and links to confirm your attendance can be found in the attached word document titled 'Market Engagement Events'. Applications to the DPS are encouraged from any organisations interested in the provision of ASN Passenger Transport Services for South Lanarkshire Council and other taxi requirements. The term 'additional support needs' applies to children or young people who need additional support to help them make the most of their school education. The factors leading to requirements for additional support are varied, but fall broadly into four key areas: - the learning environment; - family circumstances; - disability or health need; and - social and emotional factors.


Publish date

4 months ago

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South Lanarkshire Council

Louise McNaught

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