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Measuring embodied carbon of different retrofit packages in historic buildings (NP 227) [PCR 2015] - AWARD





9,966 GBP


Budget = ?12,000 INC VAT or ?10,000 EX VAT Historic England is seeking to commission research aimed at further developing the UWE model (Organ et al., 2020) by incorporating estimates of the embodied carbon associated with two retrofit packages for the five archetypal historic domestic properties. This will involve utilising secondary data sources such as CINARK, The ICE database, other EPD data sources and any other existing datasets, to establish assumptions and build a model. The objectives of the study o Calculate the embodied carbon of the five retrofit packages identified in previous research (Organ et al., 2020) using the appropriate embodied carbon calculators and databases o Provide a transparent explanation of the research and its analysis. o Produce a report detailing, the research methodology and the findings and a file with the underlying calculations, and modelled data, in a format that meets meet government accessibility requirement, as explained in 1.2.19 o A presentation highlighting the main finding.


Publish date

a month ago

Award date

23 days ago

Buyer information

Historic England

Hala Shahin De Suarez

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