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Provision of Music Recording Studio Equipment



This project requires the supply of equipment that will be utilised to build two new recording studio control rooms for the Faculty of Business and Creative Industries based in our Cardiff campus.These two control rooms will replace one studio containing an Audient ASP-8024, associate furniture and outboard rack equipment and one smaller space featuring an Audient ASP-4816, furniture and outboard. These items have reached end-of-life and require replacement with a modernised, Dante-based solution providing a high specification teaching and learning environment to our students across the music courses we deliver.  The spaces will be kitted identically, with minor differences in rack panelling and furniture to suit each space; these will be built according to the equipment specification in this tender, with installation being undertaken by the inhouse university team.For full requirements see etenderwalesNOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at The University of South Wales is undertaking the tender through eTenderWales.You must register for eTenderWales if you have not already done so to participate in this opportunity.Your submission must be received by the closing time and date.You should allow adequate time for the loading of your documents so as to ensure receipt as eTenderWales will electronically close at thedeadline time and no further submissions will be accepted.All queries in relation to the tender should be sent via the messages function within eTenderWales.Central Digital PlatformBidders are required to Register on the Central Digital Platform (CDP) to obtain a Unique Identifier.Bidders are required to register on the CDP prior to the tender deadline.The CDP is free to use and is available at Ref:148564)


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University of South Wales

Tina Struebig

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