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Customer Relationship Management Services - XC Trains Limited (XC)



XC Trains Limited (CX) will be conducting a tender for the provision of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for current and future customers of XC's CrossCountry services. XC defines Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as follows: • A Customer Relations module that facilitates efficient case and account management, streamlined interactions, and maximises operational efficiencies to ensure seamless customer engagement and support. • A Marketing module that facilitates e-mail campaign management, advanced customer segmentation, the ability to send both relevant travel information and promotional material to specific customers that is personal to them. • Both modules must interact with each other and, through a single database as well as integrating other data sources, provide a Single Customer view (SCV) of all interactions any customer has with XC. Lot 1: XC Trains Limited (XC) will be conducting a tender for the provision of a Customer Relationship Management system for current and future customers of XC's CrossCountry services. XC defines Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as follows: • A Customer Relations module that facilitates efficient case and account management, streamlined interactions, and maximises operational efficiencies to ensure seamless customer engagement and support. • A Marketing module that facilitates e-mail campaign management, advanced customer segmentation, the ability to send both relevant travel information and promotional material to specific customers that is personal to them. • Both modules must interact with each other and, through a single database as well as integrating other data sources, provide a Single Customer View (SCV) of all interactions any customer has with XC. This tender supports XC's digital and CRM strategy, which focuses on delivering the best digital and journey experience with CrossCountry, in a cost-effective manner. For XC to be a good and efficient operator, that customers trust to meet their needs, it requires an experienced supplier to deliver a CRM system that facilitates a tailored and individual approach to CRM, through a complete understanding of each interaction that a customer has with XC. XC aims to deliver personalised and highly targeted campaigns that are relevant to each individual customer, ensuring value in all communications, for both XC and the customer. The CrossCountry network is the most extensive rail franchise in Britain, calling at more than 100 stations. CrossCountry serves 7 of the 10 largest UK cities with 7 routes radiating from a central hub in Birmingham. XC will be seeking prices for an initial 3-year contract, with an end date of October 2027 (subject to 6-month termination for convenience rights), and an option to extend. Please register your interest by 12noon on 11th March 2024 at


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a year ago

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a year ago

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adrian jones

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