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ASC24089 DoLS Out of County Cases



500,000 GBP


Please note: This is a preliminary market engagement exercise, and NOT an opportunity to submit tenders. Worcestershire County Council (“the Council”) is looking to appoint a supplier to manage a backlog of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) cases. The Council will appoint either a single organisation applying itself to provide the Service, a consortium with legal status or an organisation applying as the lead organisation for two or more organisations who wish to provide the service as a consortium without legal status. Approximately 150 out of county DoLS cases from across England and Wales would have to be completed and submitted to the DoLS team per annum. The Council will send the cases to the Supplier as the referrals are received. It would be expected that the completed cases would be sent back to the Council as soon as they are finalised. These should take approximately 1 week to be returned to the Council, but should not take more than 4 weeks to be returned. We are therefore seeking feedback from suppliers through a market testing questionnaire. In order to access it, you must first be logged into the system, then "Express Interest" to unlock the "Preliminary Market Engagement" tab. That will make the questionnaire visible for you to complete. If you would like to respond to this questionnaire but experience issues doing so via In-tend, please download the Word version from the "Clarifications" tab and email your reply to


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Worcestershire County Council

Andreea Miron

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