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Removals and Relocations Services



Suppliers are required to provide a professional commercial removal and relocation service using fit for purpose vehicles, storage facilities and appropriately qualified/experienced staff Requirements may vary in size, frequency and range, anything from: Known, small scale jobs, indicative of lower value/risk project work undertaken by one man and a van service (eg up to Luton van size of vehicle) for example and without limitation: •uncomplicated, un-forecasted removal of effects required within limited timescales •portering sevices/ packing •minor office moves to Complex campus relocation project requiring complete move planning & management service for capital and high risk/value projects. The services to be provided may comprise of all or any of the following but not be limited to: •Defining Client Requirements •Space Planning / Control Procedures •Move Planning and Preparation •Secure Warehouse/ Storage Solution •Customs Clearance Document Advice/Preparation and Management •Post Move Contract Management / Aftercare or Retrieval of a fine art or library collection from storage and its relocation to the site for the purpose of exhibiting, comprising of all or any of the following: •Defining Client Requirements •Transportation of effects by road, sea or air •Specialised Vehicles •Case Making and Packing services •Secure Warehouse/ Storage Solution •Other services: Insurance Cover, Fully comprehensive Transit Insurance, Documentation, Picture Hanging Services •Customs Clearance Document Advice/Preparation and Management •Post Move Contract Management / Aftercare


Publish date

4 months ago

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3 months ago

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