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Trident Energy Framework



645,000,000 GBP


Colchester Institute, the Contracting Authority, has commissioned Trident Utilities as their Framework Manager to undertake a procurement to establish a multi-supplier, multi-lot framework to enable public sector bodies and bodies governed by public law to access electricity, gas and water purchasing solutions via a competitive call off process. Lot 2: Lot 2 – Electricity Flexible Priced Supply Contracts An unlimited number of Suppliers (anticipated to be no more than 10) will be appointed to this Lot. Suppliers must hold a UK electricity Supply Licence and are tendering for appointment to Lot 2, which is to supply flexible priced electricity* for half hourly, non-half hourly and unmetered supply points and to the contracting authorities authorised to use this Framework agreement. Based on the interest already expressed in the Framework and an estimated take up, our best estimated for the value of the Call-Off Contracts to be awarded over the lifetime of the Framework agreement for this lot is GBP150,000,000. As detailed, however, no guarantee of business is implied by appointment to the Lot. For the purposes of this tender, flexible priced electricity will be defined as electricity where the energy element of the price often referred to as the commodity price can be purchased after the Call-Off Contract has been awarded and the Supplier contract entered with the Framework Supplier. It is anticipated that a flexible priced electricity contract will provide for the purchase of the commodity element of the price in tranches or ‘clips’. Such clips may potentially be purchased on a seasonal, quarterly, monthly and daily basis and will be subject to OTC (Over The Counter) pricing which is reflective of the traded futures market. Awarded Suppliers will be required to demonstrate their ability to supply complex multiple site portfolios Additional information: Once awarded to the framework, suppliers will be contracted and future energy supply contracts will be awarded by way of mini competition. The criteria for award of both the framework lot and subsequent mini competitions are detailed in the procurement documents and framework agreement. Lot 1: Lot 1 – Electricity Fixed Price Supply Contracts An unlimited number of Suppliers (anticipated to be no more than 10) will be appointed to this Lot. Suppliers must hold a UK electricity Supply Licence and are tendering for appointment to Lot 1, which is to supply fixed price electricity for half hourly, non-half hourly and unmetered supply points and to the contracting authorities authorised to use this Framework agreement. Based on the interest already expressed in the Framework and an estimated take up, our best estimated for the value of the Call-Off Contracts to be awarded over the lifetime of the Framework agreement for this lot is GBP200,000,000. As detailed, however, no guarantee of business is implied by appointment to the Lot. For the purposes of this tender, fixed price electricity will be defined as electricity which is supplied based on a price which is predominantly fixed for the term of the Call-Off Contract at the point when the Call-Off Contract is awarded and the associated supply agreement entered into with the Framework Supplier. Awarded Suppliers will be required to demonstrate their ability to supply complex multiple site portfolios Additional information: Once awarded to the framework, suppliers will be contracted and future energy supply contracts will be awarded by way of mini competition. The criteria for award of both the framework lot and subsequent mini competitions are detailed in the procurement documents and framework agreement Lot 3: Lot 3 - Natural Gas Fixed Price Supply Contracts An unlimited number of Suppliers (anticipated to be no more than 10) will be appointed to this Lot. Suppliers must hold a UK natural gas Supply Licence and are tendering for appointment to Lot 3, which is to supply fixed price natural gas various supply points and to the contracting authorities authorised to use this Framework agreement. Based on the interest already expressed in the Framework and an estimated take up, our best estimated for the value of the Call-Off Contracts to be awarded over the lifetime of the Framework agreement for this lot is GBP150,000,000. As detailed, however, no guarantee of business is implied by appointment to the Lot. For the purposes of this tender, fixed price natural gas will be defined as natural gas which is supplied based on a price which is predominantly fixed for the term of the Call-Off Contract at the point when the Call-Off Contract is awarded and the associated supply agreement entered into with the Framework Supplier. Awarded Suppliers will be required to demonstrate their ability to supply complex multiple site portfolios Additional information: Once awarded to the framework, suppliers will be contracted and future energy supply contracts will be awarded by way of mini competition. The criteria for award of both the framework lot and subsequent mini competitions are detailed in the procurement documents and framework agreement Lot 4: Lot 4 - Natural Gas Flexible Priced Supply Contracts An unlimited number of Suppliers (anticipated to be no more than 10) will be appointed to this Lot Suppliers must hold a UK natural gas Supply Licence and are tendering for appointment to Lot 4, which is to supply flexible priced natural gas* for various supply points and to the contracting authorities authorised to use this Framework agreement. Based on the interest already expressed in the Framework and an estimated take up, our best estimated for the value of the Call-Off Contracts to be awarded over the lifetime of the Framework agreement for this lot is GBP100,000,000. As detailed, however, no guarantee of business is implied by appointment to the Lot. For the purposes of this tender, flexible priced natural gas will be defined as natural gas where the energy element of the price often referred to as the ‘commodity price’ can be purchased after the Call-Off Contract has been awarded and the Supplier contract entered with the Framework Supplier. It is anticipated that a flexible priced gas contract will provide for the purchase of the commodity element of the price in tranches or ‘clips’. Such clips may potentially be purchased on a seasonal, quarterly, monthly and daily basis and will be subject to OTC (Over The Counter) pricing which is reflective of the traded futures market. Awarded Suppliers will be required to demonstrate their ability to supply complex multiple site portfolios Additional information: Once awarded to the framework, suppliers will be contracted and future energy supply contracts will be awarded by way of mini competition. The criteria for award of both the framework lot and subsequent mini competitions are detailed in the procurement documents and framework agreement. Lot 5: Lot 5 – Water “Wholesale Plus” Supply Contracts A single Supplier will be appointed to this Lot Suppliers must hold a Water Supply and or Sewerage License (WSSL) as issued by OFWAT and are tendering for appointment to Lot 5, which is to supply fixed priced water for various supply points and to the contracting authorities authorised to use this Framework agreement. Based on the interest already expressed in the Framework and an estimated take up, our best estimated for the value of the Call-Off Contracts to be awarded over the lifetime of the Framework agreement for this lot is GBP25,000,000. As detailed, however, no guarantee of business is implied by appointment to the Lot. For the purposes of this tender, fixed price water will be defined as water supplied on a fully fixed basis with only market led amendments allowed. Evidence must be made available to support any change. The awarded Supplier will be required to demonstrate their ability to supply complex multiple site portfolios Additional information: The criteria for award of both the framework lot and subsequent mini competitions are detailed in the procurement documents and framework agreement. This is a single supplier Lot, therefore call-offs will be without opening competition. Lot 6: Lot 6 – Ancillary Energy Services Meter Operator, install, manage, maintain and upgrade electricity & gas meter Data Collector/Data Aggregator – retrieve, validate and aggregate metering data An unlimited number of Suppliers (anticipated to be no more than 3) Suppliers must ensure adherence to current licensing and accreditation. Based on the interest already expressed in the Framework and an estimated take up, our best estimated for the value of the Call-Off Contracts to be awarded over the lifetime of the Framework agreement for this lot is GBP 20,000,000. As detailed, however, no guarantee of business is implied by appointment to the Lot. The awarded Suppliers will be required to demonstrate their ability to supply complex multiple site portfolios Additional information: Once awarded to the framework, suppliers will be contracted and ancilliary services contracts will be awarded by way of mini competition. The criteria for award of both the framework lot and subsequent mini competitions are detailed in the procurement documents and framework agreement.


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4 months ago

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2 months ago

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Colchester Institute


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