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Scotland's Public Sector Heat Decarbonisation Framework Project Support Unit



2,000,000 GBP


The purpose of this contract notice is for the procurement of a Project Support Unit (PSU) to support Scotland’s Public Sector Heat Decarbonisation (SPSHD) Framework. The role of the PSU will be to support users of the SPSHD Framework, (SPSHD is the re-procurement of what was previously called the Non-Domestic Energy Efficiency framework which is currently underway with the current framework being reviewed to ensure that the future framework will align with Scottish Government Policy and industry best practice.). The PSU will be expected to develop documentation and issue tenders for available services and support framework public bodies through the implementation of energy retrofit and clean heat projects across their built estate. Lot 1: The purpose of this procurement exercise it for the re-procurement of a Project Support Unit (PSU) to support Scotland’s Public Sector Heat Decarbonisation Framework (SPSHD Framework). The role of the PSU will be to support users of the SPSHD Framework to develop documentation and issue tenders for available services and support framework public bodies through the implementation of their retrofit projects. The PSU will provide specialist project management, procurement and technical advisors across a range of services, including but not limited to energy efficiency services, technical and energy buildings related services, clean heat related services and related procurement support to deliver and/or procure delivery of Energy Performance Contracts from the SPSHD Framework across all regions of Scotland including the Highlands and Islands. Core work areas that the PSU may deliver include: 1. Development: The PSU shall assist the Scottish Government to finalise a draft tender pack for the Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the Framework. The Contractor will support the completion of draft technical content for the ITT, which will include, but not be limited to technical schedules therein. 2. Marketing and engagement: ongoing promotion of SG’s SPSHD Framework, establish positive relationships with existing and potential framework public bodies in order to establish a pipeline of projects, facilitate formal sign up to framework services. 3. Prepare: assist framework public bodies to determine user specific requirements, develop business cases, support users in considering funding and financing opportunities and most appropriate procurement route. 4. Procure: support procurement processes and consider new ways of working that will improve the delivery of the SPSHD Framework. 5. Save: facilitate the successful delivery of the SPSHD Framework call-off contracts and technical quality assurance and guidance associated with these contracts; support the achievement of high performance of the SPSHD Framework 6. Programme support: maintain and develop a range of processes to support the SPSHD PSU’s activities; a range of standardised documents and toolkits, and develop and undertake a monitoring and reporting framework, including collation of relevant data and information. Please note that this Framework once placed can be accessed by all public sector bodies including: - central government - health - local authorities - universities and colleges - all other public bodies as defined as a Scottish public authority within the meaning of Section 3(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.. Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.


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