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DPS for Skills and Investment Grant Funding



25,000,000 GBP


Worcestershire County Council is putting in place a DPS for Skills and Investment Grant Funding. The Council's Investment in Skills Team aims to help people into employment and to work towards improving skills in the county. The scope of the projects delivered by the Investment in Skills Team can vary in context, value and duration but, collectively, and over time they support the goals of the Team which is funded by various grant providers such as the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Department for Education, etc . The Team commissions the knowledge and skills of externally qualified, licensed and experienced providers to work on a variety of training projects as and when required to meet requirements. There are 5 Categories: Category 1 Employability and Skills, Category 2 Education, Category 3 Digital, Category 4 Consultancy and Category 5 Health and Wellbeing. Lot 1: Lot / Category 1 Employability and Skills Training for people to build up sector-specific skills and/or upskill to help people gain skills for life, help support skills demands in their local area, and ultimately help people to get into employment and have the opportunity for a progression within their current job. Lot 2: Lot / Category 2 Education Training and support to help adults improve their numeracy skills in everyday life and boost their employment prospects. Lot 3: Lot / Category 3 Digitial Developing digital tools to support various projects. Lot 4: Lot / Category 4 Consultancy Advice and support for businesses in the county via curriculum development, workforce planning, and supported internship. The aim will be to support businesses with growth and competitive advantage by fulfilling their staffing/skills needs. Lot 5: Lot / Category 5 Health and Wellbeing Training, advice and guidance to support health and wellbeing, and to improve confidence, resilience, motivation, social integration with the goal of empowering people to achieve their true employment potential.


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2 years ago

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in 4 years

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Worcestershire County Council

Sarah Thick

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