Asset Management Technical Services Framework
Transport Scotland, on behalf of the Scottish Ministers, has identified the need to establish a Multiple Supplier Framework Agreement. This Multiple Framework Agreement for Asset Management Technical Services covers services crucial to allowing Transport Scotland to meet statutory, legal and contractual obligations and aimed at driving continuous improvement in how we manage and analyse Scottish Trunk Road asset data. The services consider national standards and codes of practice, maintenance processes/procedures, asset performance and budget assignment to deliver value for money and innovation. The Framework will consist of four Lots covering: 1) Asset Management Improvement Programme (AMIP) Lot which will include lifecycle planning; network resilience; scheme identification, prioritisation and optimisation; updates to road asset management policy, strategy and planning; information management; performance management as well as staff support and training. 2) Asset Management Performance System (AMPS) Development and Maintenance Lot. AMPS is an existing IT management and service delivery tool that is essential to the effective management and maintenance of the Scottish trunk road network and the delivery of the Operating Company Contracts. The service will through its lifetime require development and maintenance in order to improve functionality aimed at driving future improvements in Transport Scotland’s asset management practices through improved analytical capabilities and fully integrated management tools that deliver value for money solutions. 3) Geotechnical Certification Services Lot. The principal services shall comprise the provision of an independent geotechnical services for the certification of ground investigations, geotechnical design and other geotechnical activities related to the Scottish Trunk Road network. This shall include both the performance of the service and the provision of advice in relation to the service. In addition the services shall comprise providing advice in relation to technical specifications or publications. Other geotechnical-related services may be required to be undertaken from time to time, including similar services related to railway and other transport infrastructure. 4) Asset Management Technical Advice Lot. This will cover Design Standards and Professional Services which covers the review and provision of advice in relation to Departures from Standards including the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB), Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works (MCHW), and all other Transport Scotland and UK wide Design Guidance and Technical Documents (or an equivalent to each of these documents). In addition this Lot will cover Transport Research to enable research and development work to deliver improvements in safety, construction, operation, and maintenance of the Scottish road network. The proposed framework will be in place for a period of 4 years. Lot 1: Asset Management Improvement Programme The scope of services for Lot 1 will aim to deliver: Enhanced asset management practices to support the optimal allocation of maintenance budgets and generate efficiencies. Support the delivery of net zero initiatives being implemented across the Directorate. Research into low carbon solutions for maintenance and renewals, and develop tools and asset strategies to consider carbon in the whole life decision making process. Consideration of maintenance practices and identifying opportunities for improvements to be made to specifications, contracts, and internal procedures. Respond to climate change through a network that is resilient to more frequent and extreme weather events, including flooding. Continue to review and update the format and content of the Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Plan to ensure a holistic and transparent approach in managing and maintaining all trunk road assets as defined in the Scottish Government Infrastructure Investment Plan. Align with the principles of ISO 55000. Extend the project level pavement lifecycle planning and costing model for comparison of alternatives across various trunk road elements. Continued review of the requirements for data collection and storage, clearly demonstrating how it is being used to support business decisions. Continued development of models and tools to produce long-term financial and maintenance plans in support of Scottish Government Spending Review submissions and State of the Asset reports. The Framework Contractor will be procured through a competitive tender procedure, in accordance with the restricted procedure as stated in the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. This is a two stage procedure, comprising a prequalification stage and a tender stage. Section II.2.9 of this Contract Notice describes the criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates. In order to be considered for the prequalification stage, economic operators are required to complete and submit a SPD, which can be downloaded via the Public Contracts Scotland site. The Award Procedures for placing a Call-off Contract under this Lot shall be detailed within the ITT documentation. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Lot 2: Asset Management Performance System (AMPS) Development and Maintenance The scope of services for Lot 2 will aim to deliver: Access to a range of Information & Communications Technology (ICT) specialists, such as System Developers and Testers to provide technical expertise in the continual development and maintenance of AMPS software, including data management products and other utility software. Ensure the continued availability of AMPS, a Transport Scotland contractual requirement for the Operating Company Contracts. Ensure the security of the system that is used to store commercially sensitive contractual rates, and to approve, hold and monitor all OC spend, ensuring scrutiny and transparency in OC spend, protecting Ministers from financial risk. The system is used to record and monitor the repair of safety critical defects - loss of service would result in a breach of Scottish Ministers’ statutory responsibilities. The system is used to store and analyse accident data and skidding resistance data - loss of service would result in a breach of Scottish Ministers’ statutory responsibilities. Access to specialist technical System Support to provide a managed service that can identify and explore opportunities for continual service improvement, determining costs and benefits of new approaches and managing change or assisting implementation where needed. Access to specialist Business Analysis support to identify improvements in business processes that derive efficiencies in system operations, ensuring that the organisation drives maximum value from its services and delivers a transparent and auditable system that can monitor Operating Company spend and compliance. Access to Decision Support Tool Specialists to provide advice on the implementation of a number of important decision support tools in AMPS, such as Abnormal Load Routing, Whole Life Cost Modelling, Whole Life Carbon Modelling’ Bridge Condition Index (BCI) Calculations, Deflectograph analysis, Accident Cluster Analysis etc. Access to Data Scientists to continually develop and improve AMPS data analytical capabilities through the use of a range of statistical tools and techniques such as predictive analysis and modelling that transforms data into organisational insight. Develop modelling capability aligned with climate change policy and Net Zero targets. Provision of specialist technical support essential to management of risk to the Scottish Ministers arising from failure to comply with statutory obligations and contractual duties. Provision of specialist technical support essential to the delivery of transparency, accountability and assurance as required by the Scottish Ministers. The Framework Contractor will be procured through a competitive tender procedure, in accordance with the restricted procedure as stated in the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. This is a two stage procedure, comprising a prequalification stage and a tender stage. Section II.2.9 of this Contract Notice describes the criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates. In order to be considered for the prequalification stage, economic operators are required to complete and submit a SPD, which can be downloaded via the Public Contracts Scotland site. The Award Procedures for placing a Call-off Contract under this Lot shall be detailed within the ITT documentation. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Lot 3: Geotechnical Design Certification Services The scope of the services for Lot 3 will aim to: Mitigate the risk to Scottish Ministers posed by the management of geo-hazards and the implementation of ground engineering solutions. Deliver compliance with legal duties to comply with national design standards and Construction Design and Management Regulations. Deliver Scottish Ministers’ contractual obligations with respect to published national design standards in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, British Standards and Eurocodes for design of ground engineering solutions. Contribute to the delivery of Net Zero objectives within ground engineering. Contribute to the delivery of adaptation to the trunk road asset in mitigating the impacts of the climate emergency. Contribute to the continual review and revision of national Design Standards to ensure the interests of Scottish Ministers are represented at UK national level Mitigate the risks to Scottish Ministers from third party works on, or adjacent to, the trunk road network and the implications thereof. The Framework Contractor will be procured through a competitive tender procedure, in accordance with the restricted procedure as stated in the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. This is a two stage procedure, comprising a prequalification stage and a tender stage. Section II.2.9 of this Contract Notice describes the criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates. In order to be considered for the prequalification stage, economic operators are required to complete and submit a SPD, which can be downloaded via the Public Contracts Scotland site. The Award Procedures for placing a Call-off Contract under this Lot shall be detailed within the ITT documentation. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 Lot 4: Asset Management Technical Advice The scope of the services for Lot 4 aim to deliver the following: Access to specialist technical and academic advice to enable road related research to be quickly and efficiently undertaken by Transport Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Road Research Board. Access to specialists who can provide advice and guidance in relation to the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works, Transport Scotland Interim Amendments, European and British Standards and all other Transport Scotland Design Guidance and Technical Documents. Support and advice on engagement with the Department for Transport, Highways Agency, other National and European organisations and devolved administrations. Access to suppliers who can organise, undertake, and present conferences, workshops and seminars including events related to the communication of updated guidance and standards. Access to suppliers who can support Transport Scotland in Technical Working Groups and research projects. Delivers on legal duty as a road authority to comply with, and implement, national standards, including Construction Design and Management to be adopted on our road network Delivers compliance with legal duties to comply with national design standards Facilitates reviews of Departure from Standards applications for Major Projects capital schemes and Road and Bridge maintenance projects and third party developer works on the trunk road network. Provide technical assistance as needed to review and develop standards and guidance for the design, operation, and maintenance of the trunk road network Service has an integral role in Transport Scotland’s promotion and development of major capital schemes, alongside the provision of advice for smaller schemes. The Framework Contractor will be procured through a competitive tender procedure, in accordance with the restricted procedure as stated in the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. This is a two stage procedure, comprising a prequalification stage and a tender stage. Section II.2.9 of this Contract Notice describes the criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates. In order to be considered for the prequalification stage, economic operators are required to complete and submit a SPD, which can be downloaded via the Public Contracts Scotland site. The Award Procedures for placing a Call-off Contract under this Lot shall be detailed within the ITT documentation. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
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