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Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for Ground Investigation Works



45,000,000 GBP


Transport Scotland, on behalf of the Scottish Ministers, has identified the need for specialist Ground Investigation (GI) works to support the delivery of infrastructure projects. The procurement comprises the establishment of a Multi-supplier Framework Agreement (MSFA) with a number of ground investigation contractors to carry out and report on GI works of varying scope, complexity and value in connection with trunk road and other transport infrastructure schemes promoted by the Scottish Ministers through Transport Scotland. Once the MSFA is concluded, individual GI contracts can be called off by mini-competition or other procedures in accordance with the Agreement. The MSFA is divided into 2 Lots by estimated value of the individual GI call-off contracts. Lot 1: Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for Ground Investigation Works - Lot 1 - less than GBP 500,000 Transport Scotland is an agency of the Scottish Government and contracts in the name of and on behalf of the Scottish Ministers. Transport Scotland has identified the requirement to appoint a suitably experienced Framework Contractors to carry out GI works to support the development and delivery of trunk road and other transport infrastructure schemes throughout Scotland. The Framework Contractors will be procured through a Restricted procedure, in accordance with the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Transport Scotland will manage the proposed procurement process for the Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for Ground Investigation Works on behalf of the Scottish Ministers. In the event of a Framework Agreement being concluded, the Framework Agreement will be entered into between the Scottish Ministers and the successful tenderers. This is a two stage procedure, comprising a prequalification stage and a tender stage. Section II.2.9 of this Contract Notice describes the criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates. Detailed information regarding the award process and award criteria for the tender phase will be supplied to Economic Operators who are invited to tender. The intended Conditions of Contract are likely to be Infrastructure Conditions of Contract (ICC). To be considered for the prequalification stage, Economic Operators are required to complete and submit a Single Procurement Document (SPD) in accordance with this Contract Notice and the Supplementary Information Document which can be accessed via the Additional Documents located within the Additional Notice Options, this can be downloaded via the Public Contracts Scotland portal ( Economic Operators shall be evaluated in accordance with the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015, on the basis of the information they have provided within the SPD. It is intended that the Framework Agreement will last four years. Lot 2: Multi-supplier Framework Agreement for Ground Investigation Works - Lot 2 - greater than GBP 500,000 Transport Scotland is an agency of the Scottish Government and contracts in the name of and on behalf of the Scottish Ministers. Transport Scotland has identified the requirement to appoint a suitably experienced Framework Contractors to carry out GI works to support the development and delivery of trunk road and other transport infrastructure schemes throughout Scotland. The Framework Contractors will be procured through a Restricted procedure, in accordance with the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Transport Scotland will manage the proposed procurement process for the Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for Ground Investigation Works on behalf of the Scottish Ministers. In the event of a Framework Agreement being concluded, the Framework Agreement will be entered into between the Scottish Ministers and the successful tenderers. This is a two stage procedure, comprising a prequalification stage and a tender stage. Section II.2.9 of this Contract Notice describes the criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates. Detailed information regarding the award process and award criteria for the tender phase will be supplied to Economic Operators who are invited to tender. The intended Conditions of Contract are likely to be Infrastructure Conditions of Contract (ICC). To be considered for the prequalification stage, Economic Operators are required to complete and submit a Single Procurement Document (SPD) in accordance with this Contract Notice and the Supplementary Information Document which can be accessed via the Additional Documents located within the Additional Notice Options, this can be downloaded via the Public Contracts Scotland portal ( Economic Operators shall be evaluated in accordance with the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015, on the basis of the information they have provided within the SPD. It is intended that the Framework Agreement will last four years.


Publish date

12 months ago

Close date

11 months ago

Buyer information

Transport Scotland

John Docherty

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