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Digital Innovation Healthcare Solutions



Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is seeking to engage industry expertise to explore innovative digital solutions to the real healthcare challenges of today and the future. It is seeking to better understand the opportunities and associated patient and operational benefits to be realised through the implementation of digital solutions and technologies within a healthcare environment to meet the challenges faced by the Trust today and in supporting the establishment of new ways of working for the Trust’s new hospitals that are fully government supported and which are planned to be brought into operation by 2030. Led through its Innovation Pop-Up, the Trust would like to engage the market across seven thematic areas where it has initially identified opportunities to be obtained from the development and implementation of digital solutions and technologies. The seven thematic areas where the Trust is initially seeking to engage with the market include: <br/>1. Clinical communications<br/>2. Virtual care solutions<br/>3. Operation solutions (e.g. RTLS, bed management)<br/>4. SMART building solutions<br/>5. Inpatient central monitoring solutions<br/>6. Patient flow solutions (e.g. Wayfinding, mobile check in)<br/>7. Network infrastructure (e.g. Passive Optical Networks, Private 5G)<br/><br/>The market engagement process offers the opportunity for suppliers and entrepreneurs to explore membership to the Trust’s Innovation Pop-up to further support and grow links between industry, clinical experts and researchers and support the future planning and design of cutting-edge healthcare facilities at one of the largest and busiest acute hospital Trusts in Europe. It is an exceptional opportunity to engage with the Trust in its digital and technological planning of two new hospitals and to be part of a major hub for Healthtech innovation, benefitting healthcare systems across the world.<br/><br/>Continues below at section [II.2.4]. Lot 1: The Trusts Innovation Pop-Up is fast becoming a hub for innovation – not just across our hospitals but for Leeds, the wider NHS and around the world. Currently, with 30 members and collaboration with over 300 entrepreneurs, the Innovation Pop-Up community is set to grow significantly in the coming years. The Innovation Pop-up is central to the Trust’s ambition to establish an Innovation Village at the heart of the hospital site located within a City-wide innovation arc and it will be a key element in the Trust’s journey towards delivering fully digital hospitals. It is a valuable test bed for innovations, technologies and ways of working before they are adopted across our hospitals and particularly within our new government supported healthcare facilities that are planned to be operational by 2030.<br/>This market engagement process will provide suppliers with further information about the Innovation Pop-up and the option to explore membership opportunities.<br/>Below are key thematic areas of focus for the Trust’s market engagement process. <br/>1. Clinical communications: <br/>Clinical staff working in pressurised wards and hospital environments need to be able to communicate effectively. In addition, the Trust’s new hospital plans will deliver single patient rooms, increasing the need for streamlined processes to ensure efficient, effective and safe communication between staff, tracking and workforce efficiency.<br/>2. Virtual Care Solution: <br/>Reducing length of stay is a key priority for the Trust. Virtual care solutions focussed on secondary care discharge have the potential to make an impact. The Trust aims to reduce the size of its estate and would like to explore how virtual care solutions can support operational efficiency, improve patient experience and contribute to reducing length of stay and waiting lists.<br/>3. Operational solutions: <br/>To improve operational flow, the Trust is seeking solutions to increase efficiency, improve asset and equipment management and streamline operational workflows. Examples of this include real time location solutions and clinical control and command functions. <br/>4. SMART building solutions: <br/>The Trust has ambitious green targets, and we need to ensure we are managing, operating and maintaining our existing and new assets effectively. There are opportunities for both our existing and new hospital buildings to optimise how we capture and analyse building data to achieve energy and net zero targets, maximise the lifespan of our assets and create workflow efficiencies to support effective estates management and reduce of cost. <br/>5. Central monitoring and patient observations: <br/>Patient safety is a priority for the Trust. Central monitoring and patient observation solutions will provide real-time patient information to help inform clinical decisions. It will become a key component in patient monitoring for medical care, safety and safeguarding in our current and new hospitals.<br/>6. Patient Flow: <br/>The Trust has a vast estate with services spanning across several sites. This creates challenges for patients in journey planning and wayfinding. While shorter distances and clearer wayfinding will improve how patients move around our new hospitals, a reduced and virtual estate footprint will require digital operating solutions to manage patient flows, e.g. in key areas such as Outpatients. <br/>7. Resilient and reliable network provision: <br/>The Trust is seeking to build a robust network infrastructure to enable connectivity for patients and staff throughout its estate. <br/><br/>All solutions to the challenges above must be open and interoperable, to enable an integrated approach to communication and high quality patient care.<br/><br/>The Trust will be holding a virtual market briefing for interested organisations at 10am on 5 September 2023. The event, that will be led by the Trust’s Innovation Pop-up, will describe the current and future challenges, describe the planned market engagement process and provide further information surrounding each of the seven key themes described above.<br/>The Trust would like to engage with selected suppliers to further inform the development of solutions to today’s challenges, the design of our new healthcare facilities and ultimately, to further inform future contract opportunities and procurement processes. As such, the Trust proposes conducting 1:1 engagement meetings with a selected representative sample of organisations around the seven key thematic areas. Any organisation not selected to participate in 1:1 engagement meetings will still have an opportunity to submit and share any observations and comments on the seven thematic areas to the address stated at Section I.1). Further information will be provided at the virtual market event for how organisations can submit their observations and comments and indicate their interest in participating in the 1:1 engagement meetings.


Publish date

11 months ago

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Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Mike Bacon

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