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EME - Legal Services Consumer Panel - Research on service delivery



Please see attached document for further information. To inform our procurement plan, we are doing early market engagement as we plan to commission research aimed at understanding users' experiences and perceptions of digital services in the areas of family, probate, and conveyancing law. We would like suppliers to in provide a cost estimate for the project, and consider the following point when sending responses: • Capacity and Capability: Can your organisation deliver research services at scale and within the required timelines? • Methodology: What approaches or methodologies can you offer? • Data Security: How do you ensure the confidentiality and security of data, especially when dealing with sensitive information? • Previous Experience: Provide examples of previous research projects your organisation has completed that are similar in scope or subject matter. • Costs: Cost Structure: How do you price your research services (e.g., fixed price, hourly)? If possible, provide a quote for the project, detailing the costs for the priority questions (section 4, questions 1-8) and the additional ones (questions 9-12). Budget Flexibility: How do you accommodate budget constraints or changes in project scope? Can you offer scalable solutions that adjust to different budgetary requirements?


Publish date

3 months ago

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