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Supply and Maintenance of Flood Warning Systems



AmbiSense Ltd


200,000 GBP


Award of Framework for replacing and installing flood warning systems located across Caerphilly County Borough Council. The initial work will require new telemetry systems at 6 sites with the chance to go to an additional 40 sites subject to funding. Future requirements could extend to a total of 238 sites. The initial work will need to be completed by the end of this financial year. A maintenance contract is required for all sites. This will be for an initial five year period, renewed annually by written agreement thereafter until no longer required or end of life of the equipment. Lot 1: 1.There are approximately 1,530 culvert inlets and other land drainage assets identified across Caerphilly County Borough Council area, of which approximately 238 are included on the Severe Weather Culvert (SWC) Register maintained by the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA). Approximately 46 of these have been identified as high priority assets. The first 6 sites will need to be completed by the end of this current financial year. 2.The majority of these high priority assets are in the form of culvert inlets with debris or security inlet screens of varying age, design and condition. A smaller number would be in the form of high capacity highway drainage inlets, gullies or similar. 3. The LLFA would like to implement a network of remote monitoring and telemetry systems, with an initial focus on the 46 high priority assets, such that monitoring can be carried out on a more regular basis and in a more timely manner whilst also enabling efficiency savings and reductions in carbon associated with officers travelling to multiple and often remote areas of the County. 4. The LLFA also carry out a number of improvement schemes on a continual basis, for which supporting evidence in relation to flood risk, frequency and severity of rainfall patterns and stream flow is required. 5. When flooding does occur, the LLFA has a statutory obligation to carry out Flood Investigation Reports (FIRs) under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act (2010) for which data on the severity of individual or sequential storm events is also important. 6. The LLFA are therefore looking to include rain gauges and stream flow gauges at strategically important locations across the Borough in order to improve the data acquisition and evidence base for improvement schemes and FIRs. This may also include for temporary installations or relocation of systems as schemes are delivered and / or new scheme locations identified. 7. With an increasing focus and awareness on water quality, the LLFA have also identified a future need to monitor certain key outfalls in relation to water quality indicators, including but not necessarily limited to Suspended Solids and Turbidity, pH, Temperature, Heavy Metals, Nutrients (predominantly Phosphorus and Nitrogen) and Oil and Hydrocarbons. 8. The LLFA has previously had remote monitoring and telemetry equipment installed on 3 sites, which has now reached or is reaching the end of its life and will be replaced under this tender. 9. This tender is therefore intended to allow for: a)A progressive increase in sensors, including an allowance for CCTV where appropriate, across 46 sites with a potential to expand to further sites up to a maximum of 238 should resources and funding be available. b)Data logging and communication systems, including an allowance for data export and / or storage and early warning or alarm systems. c)Online system for monitoring of remote stations. d)Rain Gauges or weather stations, with an initial expectation of 3 sites, but potential to expand to a maximum of 10 locations e)Flow meters for streams, open channels and pipes, with an initial expectation for 3 sites, but with potential to expand to a maximum of 46 locations or to enable temporary systems that can be re-located and re-used according to particular needs. f)Water quality monitoring systems. Whilst no specific need has been identified at present, there is a potential need for up to a maximum of 46locations. g)Survey of site locations h)Installation and commissioning of systems. i)Ongoing support and maintenance provision. Additional information: Framework may be used for Welsh Government Funded projects that are granted to CCBC


Publish date

9 months ago

Award date

9 months ago

Buyer information

Caerphilly County Borough Council

Annie Pockett

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