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TII446 ZEVI Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Light Duty Vehicle (LDV) En-route Grant Scheme 1.1



Description: In February 2024 TII launched a €21m grant scheme, funded by the Department of Transport through the Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland unit (ZEVI), to incentivise and accelerate the development of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) on most of the motorway/dual carriageway elements of the national road network (NRN) in the State. In July 2024 a number of award of Grants were made. TII and ZEVI have now identified a number of areas within the Zone roads where it was not possible to award Grants, and where there would be insufficient EVCI coverage within those areas to meet the Scheme objectives. These areas are now designated as Sub-zones for the purposes of this supplemental ITA. The Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) provides mandatory targets to be achieved by Member States for EV charging infrastructure dedicated to both LDVs and HDVs on the TENT. In response to the above, Ireland has set its own national targets for enroute Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure as outlined in the Draft National En-Route EV Charging Network Plan 20222030 and the Climate Action Plan 2024. The objective of the scheme is to support the achievement of national EVCI targets and mandatory European targets. In this initial scheme, TII will provide grant funding in connection with the rollout of enroute EVCI and in particular highpowered enroute charging infrastructure for light duty vehicles (LDV). The Scheme is an “aid scheme” for the purposes of, and within the meaning of General Block Exemption Regulation, (GBER). TII hereby invites interested parties to participate in the Competition, with the objective of securing a Grant in relation to Eligible Costs incurred by it, for only those areas designated as Sub-zones in this document. TII has chosen to advertise this Competition via eTenders (and via national press) to ensure that it is brought to the attention of interested Applicants. However, the Grant Letter is not a public contract or a public concession contract within the meaning of Directives 2014/23, 2014/24 or 2014/25 (the “Procurement Directives”) and the provisions of the Procurement Directives do not apply to this Competition. Notwithstanding that, TII is choosing to follow a process which is broadly similar to the open procedure described within the Procurement Directives. Applicants should have no expectation or understanding that the Procurement Directives will be applied by TII during the Competition (for example, and without limitation, TII reserves the right to proceed to award of the Grant Letter without observing a standstill period).


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

3 months ago

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Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII)

Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII)

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