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Provision of Technical Consultancy Support for Gas Safety Framework



GL Industrial Services UK Limited


The CRU wishes to engage consultants to provide general technical assistance to the GSF Team to enable the CRU to operate the gas safety regulatory framework effectively and efficiently. The contractor is required to provide general technical assistance across the entirety of the gas safety regulatory framework (this excludes CRU’s regulation of the gas safety supervisory body (separate team in CRU)). This includes but is not limited to supporting the CRU’s safety regulation of the following activities: • operation of a gas transmission system; • operation of a gas distribution system; • operation of a natural gas storage facility; • operation of an LNG facility; • supply of natural gas (including Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)); • shipping of natural gas; • renewable natural gas (RNG) (biomethane) and hydrogen injection facilities; and, • other activities that fall within the gas safety regulatory framework or remit of the GSF team. Lot 1: The CRU is committed to playing its role to help deliver a secure, low carbon future at the least possible cost, while ensuring energy is supplied safely, empowered and protected customers pay reasonable prices, and we deliver a sustainable, reliable and efficient future for energy and water. The CRU is guided by four strategic priorities that sit alongside the core activities we undertake to deliver on the public interest. These are: • Ensure security of supply • Drive a low carbon future • Empower and protect customers • Enable our people and organisational capacity The Energy Safety Division of the CRU operates a gas safety regulatory framework for licensed natural gas and LPG undertakings. Within the Energy Safety Division responsibility for the operation of the Framework lies with the Gas Safety Framework (GSF) team. The CRU wishes to engage consultants to provide general technical assistance to the GSF Team to enable the CRU to operate the gas safety regulatory framework effectively and efficiently. The contractor is required to provide general technical assistance across the entirety of the gas safety regulatory framework (this excludes CRU’s regulation of the gas safety supervisory body (separate team in CRU)). This includes but is not limited to supporting the CRU’s safety regulation of the following activities: • operation of a gas transmission system; • operation of a gas distribution system; • operation of a natural gas storage facility; • operation of an LNG facility; • supply of natural gas (including Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)); • shipping of natural gas; • renewable natural gas (RNG) (biomethane) and hydrogen injection facilities; and, • other activities that fall within the gas safety regulatory framework or remit of the GSF team. Please consult the associated documentation, which contains full instructions regarding the submission of tenders and is available to download from using RFT ID 239583.


Publish date

a year ago

Award date

a year ago

Buyer information

Commission for Regulation of Utilities

Katarina Holohan

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