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GB-Liverpool: GLP Toxicology evaluation of Long-Acting Injectable (LAI) products for LTBI prevention and HCV cure



300,000 GBP


The University of Liverpool, through its LONGEVITY project funded by Unitaid, is implementing product development and commercialization of Long-Acting Injectable (LAI) formulations for malaria and tuberculosis prevention, and a hepatitis C virus cure for Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC's). The University of Liverpool was awarded 32 million US dollars in early 2020 from Unitaid ( as part of the 40 million US dollar project to fund these activities to commercialisation. The TB and HCV products are reaching the end of proof-of-concept studies and the University of Liverpool is seeking quotations for provision of GLP toxicology services to support product clinical stage progress. Full outline of study requirements available from the University of Liverpool's tendering website (details included in other information section below) Additional information: THE TENDER DOCUMENTATION IS LOCATED ON THE FOLLOWING WEB SITE Select 'Tenders' from the top menu bar, select 'current', then click 'view details' button. To gain full access to this website and tender documentation you need to log in using your existing registration details or click the 'Register' button if you have not registered before. When registering PLEASE make sure the 'publish e-mail address' field is completed accurately as this will receive all automated correspondence. Please return your tender as detailed in the document. The submitted tender will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria stated in the invitation to tender documents and companies may be invited to attend for interview as part of the process. All dates, time periods and quantities indicated in this Notice are provisional only and the university reserves the right to change the same if circumstances so dictate. The University reserves the right not to enter in to any contract pursuant to this Notice and to withdraw from this procurement exercise at any time. The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.


Publish date

a year ago

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12 months ago

Buyer information

University of Liverpool

Ann Bickerstaffe

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