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Fire Strategies



Firntec Ltd


170,000 GBP


Procurement of Fire Strategies for high-risk buildings Lot 1: The Building Safety Act 2022 requires Gentoo Group (the Group) to identify, understand, manage and mitigate building safety risks throughout the life span of their relevant buildings. Therefore, all relevant building safety information must be maintained for these buildings as part of the golden thread of information. In addition, Regulation 38 of the Building Regulations require that where any building undergoes material change that relevant fire safety information is collated. For higher risk buildings this information will form part of the golden thread of information, for any building which is not a higher risk building the information will be invaluable to understand how the building has been constructed or modified. As part of this information there should be a fire safety strategy. For existing buildings this is not always available, but it is a key document in understanding • Means of warning • Means of escape • Internal fire spread / passive fire protection • External fire spread • Access / facilities for the fire and rescue services • Fire safety management of the building • Other active fire safety systems within the building The Group is seeking to appoint a competent, independent third-party (referred to subsequently as the “appointed contractor”) to undertake the following services: • Review the passive fire protection (desktop) to ensure that it is suitable for the type and occupancy of the building, this should be reflected in the compartmentation drawings • Review the current cause and effect matrix for the building to ensure that all active fire systems are operating appropriately • Review the current evacuation strategy to ensure that the provision of passive and active fire safety measures supports the strategy • Complete a written fire safety strategy report Further information regarding the Group’s requirements will be provided within the Tender documents.


Award date

a month ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

Gentoo Group Ltd

David Major

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