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Internal Audit Services; 2025 - 2028



RSM UK Risk Assurance Services LLP


350,000 GBP


Internal audit services Lot 1: Gentoo Group Ltd (The Group) is subject to rigorous governance via the Social Housing Regulator. In addition, the Group has a duty to comply with numerous regulatory standards in relation to governance and standards of practice in regard to all of its operations. The Group have a number of mechanisms and processes in place to ensure all necessary governance is adhered to and standards are exceeded. This includes, but is not limited to: - The Risk and Audit Committee (RAC); - Involvement and sign off via the Group Board for varying activities; and - Various assessments conducted by third-party Organisations with recommendations for improvement where necessary. The purpose of this procurement is to seek appointment of Internal Audit Advisory Services for the Group to ensure that all operations conducted by the Group are compliant with all relevant legislation and guidance. The successful Supplier will be responsible for carrying out Audit Services within Gentoo, working with the various Teams throughout the Organisation. Internal audit services will be undertaken in accordance with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF ). The internal audit service will consider the adequacy of controls necessary to secure assurance and effectiveness in all areas. It will seek to confirm that management have taken the necessary steps to achieve these objectives and manage the associated risks. Internal audit work should cover all operational and management controls and should not be restricted to the audit of systems and controls necessary to form an opinion on the financial statements.


Publish date

6 months ago

Award date

6 months ago

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Gentoo Group Ltd

David Major

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