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As part of the enabling works for the new Velindre Cancer Centre, works are required at the Asda Superstore in Coryton, Cardiff. These works involve the clearance and removal of approximately 2,200 square metres of trees, scrub, and hedge vegetation within:• A portion of the adopted highway at Longwood Drive.• A portion of the private estate belonging to the AsdaNOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at Bidders should note that they will be required to enter into terms and conditions of contract as set out in thetender documents and that save for matters of clarification or consistency, the contracting authority will notnegotiate the terms. The Contracting Authority is proposing to use the Open Procedure to conduct thisprocurement.Velindre University NHS Trust will award the contract as hosts of NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership- Procurement Services. For the avoidance of doubt, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership will beentering into the contract with the appointed provider.All tender costs and liabilities incurred by bidders shall be the sole responsibility of the bidders. Thecontracting authority reserves the right to award the Contract in whole or in part. The contracting authorityreserves the right to pause, halt and/or annul the tendering process and not to award the Contract.The Contract to which this procurement relates are funded via Welsh Government funding. Please refer tothe invitation to tender for rights reserved to the contracting authority should the said funding cease orreduce.To complete your formal proposal, please access the ITT via the Bravo eTender Wales portal where youwill find a full suite of tender documentation.1. Register your company on the eSourcing portal (this is only required once)- Browse the eSourcing portal: and click the link to register- Accept the Ts and Cs and click 'continue'- Enter your correct business/user details2. Express and interest in the tender- Log into the portal with the username/password- Click the 'ITT Open to all suppliers' link- Click on ITT_115087- Click the 'express interest' button at the top of the page- This will move the ITT into your 'my ITT's page (this is a secure area reserved for your projects only)- You can now access any attachments by clicking 'buyer attachments' in the 'ITT details' box3. Responding to the tender- Click 'my response' under 'ITT details' and you can choose to 'create response' or to 'decline to respond'(please give a reason if declining)- You can now use the 'messages' function to communicate with the buyer and seek any clarification- Note the deadline for completion and then follow the on screen instructions to complete the tenderresponse.(WA Ref:147357)Under the terms of this contract the successful supplier(s) will be required to deliver Community Benefits in support of the authority’s economic and social objectives. Accordingly, contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations. The Community Benefits included in this contract are:Detailed in the tender documents


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NHS Wales - Shared Services Partnership

Gareth R. Davies

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