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EQA Material



The Health Board seek to establish a contract for the supply of EQA Material for Weqas. Weqas is a National External Quality Assessment provider which monitors the analytical performance of diagnostic laboratories in the UK, Ireland and overseas. Weqas is one of the leading External Quality Assessment (EQA) providers with over 50 years experience in Quality Assurance, providing solutions in Laboratory Medicine. Weqas is accredited to ISO 17043: Conformity Assessment - General Requirements for Proficiency Testing (4301). The Reference Laboratory is accredited to standard ISO 15195 Laboratory Medicine - Requirements for Reference Measurement Laboratories and ISO 17025-General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. Weqas is a semi autonomous, non profit making organisation hosted by Cardiff and Vale uHB (legal entity). Weqas is its own independent Clinical Board within Cardiff and Vale uHB. This contract is for Weqas who require External Quality Assessment [EQA] Material for undertaking global quality assessment programmes for Blood Gas, Co-oximetry, pO2 accuracy, Blood Gas with Haematocrit ,PoCT Hb and Hb variants. Weqas has a manufacturing facility which manufactures EQA and IQC (Internal Quality Control) material, and therefore, manufactures the majority of products in house, however, some specialized products need to be sourced from a third party supplier. The product specification will detail the material required to be supplied from this external source for Quality Assurance testing. Lot 1: Lot 1 EQA Material for Blood Gas Lot 2: Lot 2 EQA material for assessing accuracy of pO2 Lot 3: Lot 3 EQA material for Blood Gas with Haematocrit Lot 4: Lot 4 material for Hb Variants Lot 5: Lot 5 material for Co-oximetry Lot 6: Lot 6 material for POCT Hb


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NHS Wales - Shared Services Partnership

Charlie Webber

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