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Fault Finding and Repair of Property Based CCTV Systems and New Installations



RACAM Security & Communications Limited


25,775 GBP


The Council's Housing and Technical Resources, Consultancy Services, identified a requirement to appoint to suitable contractor to undertake Fault Finding and Repair to the Housing and Technical Resources Property based CCTV estate. The objective of this contract is to secure a CCTV contractor with proven expertise in diagnosing and repairing faults within a sizable CCTV network and demonstrate their ability to respond promptly and efficiently to the Council’s needs. The overall CCTV estate for properties is at an age where a lot of the equipment had become no longer economically viable to repair. In such instances the appointed contractor will be required to install new equipment based on the Council’s hardware specification. This contract will cover all CCTV estates across the Council’s Property portfolio, including Council Offices, Leisure Centres and Schools Lot 1: In order to secure best value for the Council, the Procurement Service identified the most effective route to market as a Quick Quote procedure for Works only where estimated value is between 50,000 GBP and 2,000,000 GBP under Council Standing Orders 3.2(a) and 5.1. Tenders were invited on a Price only basis. The following weightings were used: (Quality) Technical Response (40%) (Price) Commercial Response (60%) The successful bidder was the one who has submitted the most economically advantageous tender. The mechanism for assessing tenders was comprehensively detailed within the ‘Evaluation of Tenders’ document contained within the tender process but can be summarised as follows: Stage 1 - Qualification Response Stage 2 - Technical Response (40%) Stage 2 - Commercial Response (60%)


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

South Lanarkshire Council

Steven McMichael

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