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Ageing Well - Psychosocial Support For People Living With Dementia



Impact Initiatives


133,875 GBP


NOTIFICATION OF INTENTION TO AWARD: Psychosocial Support For People Living With Dementia services are integrated with the Brighton and Hove City Council Ageing Well Service and need to be delivered in existing established community locations across Brighton and Hove. This service is delivered at the following locations: St Richard's Community Centre in Hangleton and Knoll, Cornerstone Community Centre, Palmeira Square Hove and at the Woodingdean Community Centre. An estimated 55 separate psychosocial activities are delivered each quarter. Lot 1: NOTIFICATION OF INTENTION TO AWARD: This is an intention to award a contract to an existing provider following a most suitable provider process. The total contract value will be for £133,875 beginning 1st April 2025 and ending 30th September 2026. Currently Impact Initiatives provides Psychosocial Support for People Living with Dementia. The range of services, groups and activities offered through the service aim to achieve the following outcomes: • Increase health and wellbeing • Reduce loneliness and social isolation • Support people to remain independent, •Enable people to live well in their communities, thus reducing the need for more intensive services including avoidance of hospital admission. • Ensure a wide range of volunteer opportunities. The primary role of the service is to deliver: • Single Point of Contact (SPOC) dementia specialist working integrated within the Ageing Well information, advice and signposting service. The SPOC post is a part time role equivalent to 0.6FTE. This SPOC is utilised by people with dementia, their carers and families as well as health and social care professionals and VCSE staff. It is expected that the Provider will ensure that information about local services is available and up to date together with using other appropriate resources. • Delivery of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) A local programme of appropriate group CST, with those who have participated in group CST having access to an age appropriate maintenance CST programme • Multicomponent activities. For example, lunch with the opportunity to socialise and learn a new craft or skill in a community venue led by people trained in CST. • City wide befriending volunteers for people aged 65+ living with mild to moderate memory loss or a diagnosis of dementia. • Group befriending events for people living with dementia on a monthly basis as well as groups for people with moderate dementia/memory loss. • Arts and crafts and other creative activities.


Award date

2 days ago

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NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board

Stuart Meredith

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