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Whitehawk Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) Primary Care Services



One Medicare t/a One Primary Care LLP


10,419,642 GBP


NOTIFICATION OF INTENTION TO AWARD: NHS Sussex ICB is intending to award a contract following the competitive process of the UK Health Care Services (PSR) Regulations 2023 for Whitehawk Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) Primary Care Services. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and Procurement Act 2023 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be submitted to the relevant authority via the project (Atamis reference no. C285165) at: by midnight (23:59) on 26/03/25. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award under the PSR. This direct award is for a maximum period of 108 months (84 months + 24 months option to extend) The service value is £1,157,738 per annum. Lot 1: NOTIFICATION OF INTENTION TO AWARD: NHS Sussex ICB is intending to award a contract following the competitive process of the UK Health Care Services (PSR) Regulations 2023 for Whitehawk Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) Primary Care Services. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and Procurement Act 2023 do not apply to this award. The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be submitted to the relevant authority via the project (Atamis reference no. C285165) at: by midnight (23:59) on 26/03/25. This contract has not yet formally been awarded; this notice serves as an intention to award under the PSR. This direct award is for a maximum period of 108 months (84 months + 24 months option to extend) Contract set to commence 1st September 2025 and end 31st August 2032, with an option to extend by 24 months to end 31st August 2034. The service value is £1,157,738 per annum. The total maximum contract value for the 7-year Contract is £8,104,166. At the end of the initial contract term the Commissioner will have an extension option for a further 2-year (1 x 24 month) period available which will be awarded at their discretion, giving a maximum possible contract value of £10,419,642 over 9 years (7 plus 2) if the full contract term is fulfilled. This is an existing service that will be provided by a new provider. Description of the services: The service will offer primary medical care services to patients who wish to register at the practice, and who live within the practice boundary for Whitehawk and wider area. Primary Care services will be delivered in accordance with the national APMS contract, amended annually through a national contract variation. In addition, patients will be offered Locally Commissioned Services as agreed with NHS Sussex. Weight Management Services and Learning Disabilities Health Check Enhanced Service will also be offered to appropriate registered patients. The service will include care navigation and social prescribing services, navigating patients to the most appropriate health, social care, or housing services for their needs. This must include a Making Every Contact Count (MECC) approach to: • Local Stop Smoking Service (LSSS) to support the national 'Smokefree Generation' objective. • Promote, offer and refer on for health checks/reviews • Healthy Lifestyle Services, Weight Loss Services and Drug and Alcohol services • Offer screening, vaccinations, and NHS health checks, including learning disability health checks. • Health in Mind • Community Pharmacy and Dentistry • Minor Eye Conditions' services • Care support services for Carers (e.g., Carers Hub Brighton, The Carers Centre for Brighton and Hove) • Falls Prevention Services • Brighton and Hove City Council and University Hospitals Sussex's children, young people, and family services • Sexual Health services • Local Authority Housing services The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) linked to the contract are focused on delivering services to the local population, which is identified as one of the most deprived areas in Sussex and will address the specific needs of these groups to improve the health of the population. This will include increased community involvement using innovative ways to support this population, through initiatives such as mental health prescribing (green prescribing), using the garden space and interventions with local community groups to meet with residents who are resistant to attending health facilities and have lower literacy levels. The contract award criteria are specified in the procurement documents.


Award date

4 days ago

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NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board

Stuart Meredith

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